The Product Filter – Brands block is part of the WooCommerce Product Search extension and provides a live product brand filter for your shop. While your customers choose the desired brand, it finds matching products and shows them on the shop page. To use this block, you must have at least WooCommerce 9.4 with the brands feature enabled and use at least version 6.1.0 of the extension.

This live filter shows the brands which the customer can click. It will update the shop page to include products that are related to the chosen brands.

↑ Back to topThe brand filter provides a selection of styles, each offering an alternative view and user experience. These can be customized and include the option to show thumbnails for each term. Fore example, the List style shows terms in a vertical fashion. Here is a brand chosen when using the List style, showing matching products:

Other style options include Inline, Select and Dropdown. The Inline style is similar to List but renders brands consecutively. The Dropdown style is also searchable and offers settings to show thumbnails both in the list as well as for the chosen terms. It can expand on user interaction or be used with a flexible or fixed height. The Select style is simpler but similar to the Dropdown. Its size can also be specified so you can either use a more compact version or expanded to show a number of terms. The styles are similar to those used with the categories filter, please also see the examples of the Product Filter – Categories block page. The settings can be used to fine-tune the appearance and behavior, where some settings are exclusive to a particular chosen style.
The settings explained below are provided to fine-tune the appearance and the behavior of the block.
↑ Back to topThese settings determine the filter block’s appearance and its behavior.
↑ Back to topShow on shop pages only – Use this option to display the block on relevant shop pages only. This includes the shop page, product tag and product category pages etc. We recommend to leave this option disabled if you place the block directly on a page which is not a shop page, enable it if you place it in a sidebar that should show the block for shop pages.

User Interface
↑ Back to topDepending on the Style chosen, some options may or may not be available. The options offered will be shown as applicable to the particular Style.

- Style – Offers options on how to display the terms: List, Inline, Select or Dropdown.
- Show thumbnails / Parents – Enable this option to show thumbnails for the terms. A separate option is provided to show thumbnails for parent terms.
- Show thumbnails for selected – Available when Dropdown is chosen as Style. If enabled, displays thumbnails also for the selected terms.
- Show names / Parents – Enable this option to show the names of the terms. A separate option is provided to show them for parent terms.
- Show product counts – If enabled, the number of related products per term will be shown.
- Hide terms without products – This will automatically hide terms that have no related products.
- Text for no selection – This option is available when Dropdown is selected as Style and determines the text that is shown in the Dropdown field when no item is selected.
- Number of terms – If a number is given, this limits the number of terms shown.
- Size – Available when Select is chosen as Style. Determines the display size of the select box.
- Height – Available when Dropdown is chosen as Style. If left empty, the choices of the dropdown are shown below when the field gains focus. If a plain number is input, e.g. 5, the Dropdown will adopt a fixed height to show the indicated number of entries. If a number with a CSS unit* is used, e.g. 120px, the Dropdown will adopt a fixed height as per the indicated unit. *Allowed CSS units: px, mm, cm, in, pt, pc, em , ex, ch, rem, vw and vh.
- Toggle the component – Hide the filter component when it has no options, “yes” (by default) or “no”.
↑ Back to topThe options in this section determine how the product brands are presented to the visitor and how the view will interact.

- Expand Child Terms – Here you can determine at which level terms will hide their children. By default, only the root terms are shown and if they have children, an expander symbol is shown.
- Expand automatically – This is enabled by default so that expandable terms will reveal their children on hover automatically. If you turn it off, you must click the expander explicitly to see the children, just as you need to tap it on touch-enabled devices.
- Retract automatically – When you move outside the area where the terms are shown, the children will automatically be hidden. This is enabled by default.
- Show expanders – This will show expanders and retractors for terms with children.
- Show the ancestor hierarchy – This determines whether the ancestor hierarchy based on the current context is shown.
- Show the parent navigation – If enabled, additional links for ancestors are shown which allow to navigate back in the hierarchy.
↑ Back to top- Order by … – Use this option to determine the order in which the terms are shown. You can choose to order them by one of several criteria, such as for example the Name of the term for alphabetical ordering or the Term order to display them as established in the list of product categories.
- Order … – Brands can be shown in ascending or descending order.

↑ Back to topThese settings determine which brand terms are offered.

- Depth – This option allows to limit the depth within the term hierarchy.
- Filter – This option should be enabled for live filtering.
- Hierarchical – Whether the terms should be displayed as a hierarchy.
- Multiple – If you want to let visitors select more than one term, enable this option.
- Show – This will determine whether a) All terms are shown, or b) with Set, only those that are within the hierarchy of the selected term are shown.
- Terms to include – You can indicate the terms that should be included here. If left empty, all terms are displayed. Indicate terms by ID, slug or name and separated by comma.
- Terms to exclude – Indicate the terms that should be excluded here by ID, slug or name and separated by comma. If Terms to include are given, they override this field completely – use either of them but not both.
- Parent term – This will limit the terms displayed to children of the one indicated. The token {current} can be used to limit it to children of the current term.
↑ Back to topThe following settings relate to how the heading is displayed.

- Show heading – This option will display the heading for this filter.
- Heading – You can input a customized heading here or leave it empty to use the default. The heading will not be displayed when there are no terms to show.
- Heading for no results – You can input the text of an alternative heading to be displayed when there are no results.
- Heading ID – This sets the ID of the heading element.
- Heading Class – This sets the class of the heading element.
- Heading Element – Here you can choose which HTML tag is used as the heading element.
↑ Back to topThe container settings can be used to determine its ID and CSS class.

- Container ID – This sets the ID of the filter’s main div container element.
- Container Class – This adds to the class of the filter’s main div container element.