Bazaar Multivendor Platform for WooCommerce


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Bazaar Multivendor Platform for WooCommerce is the most popular plugin on the WordPress platform. The CodexInfra team had created this great platform for the convenience of the WooCommerce site to allow Multiple vendors for selling their products and with a great UI.This plugin purely works on Ajax so there will be no reloading all over the plugin. The user interfaces and working awesome with almost every feature that a multivendor platform needs.


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To get the best experience you must require the following:

  1. Tested Up To PHP 5.6.20
  2. Tested Up To MySQL 5.6
  3. Tested Up To WordPress 5.7
  4. Compatible With WooCommerce 3.0.1


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New to upload the file you downloaded.
  3. Activate the extension.

note:- “Bazaar lite version is mandatory to be installed before the pro version – available on”

More information at Installing and Managing Plugins.

Enable plugin updates

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Please follow the steps listed here to enable plugin updates for the Bazaar Multivendor Platform for WooCommerce.

Setup and Configuration

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Upon activating the Bazaar Multivendor Platform for WooCommerce, you will see a welcome page. It explains how to use the plugin.

Key Features

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Frontend Dashboard for Vendors:

Vendor have the separate dashboard by which it will be easy to access and modified with attractive UI (User Interface)& fully customizable.

Complete View Of Orders & Sub-Orders With Functionalities:

Vendor as well as Admin both have a section of complete view of orders & sub-orders with all the functionalities.

Light & Dark Theme Support:

Best way to make your plugin look awesome at different colors and scheme on single switch.

Single Order Multiple Vendors Management:

Customer can order from different stores in a single order and it will be differentiate as per vendor products.

Data Flow With Ajax:

All the searching, filtration, and sorting is available on a single click without loading the page with the use of Ajax.

Numerous Commission:
You can set multiple type of commission for different vendors on different products & categories.
Frontend Simple, Grouped & Variable Product Creation:

Vendor can directly create different types of products like Simple, Grouped & Variable from his/her dashboard.

Shipping & Tax Management:

One can set the shipping and tax values from his end for the convenience of customers.

Complete Withdraw System for Vendors:

Vendor have a particular section for his earning and withdrawals and he can also track it at every point.

Separate Vendor Stores:

Every vendor have a separate store listed on the site by which it will be easy to know the products of the particular vendors and much more details.

Order Notification Via Email:
It is the feature to send the mail on each and every order.
Frontend Widgets:

This plugin provide multiple widgets that will enhance the functionalities and much more.

Assign Products to Vendors:

Admin can assign different products to different vendors according to their circumstances.

Customer Section

Admin have a customer section where admin can get all the customer related details.

Pro Features

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Extends Lite Version:

All the features of lite version carried forward and also can be modified.

Major Categories For Products:

We provide the top and major categories which will be predefined and admin can create category at any point.

Store Vendor Management Interface:

Admin consist a section for vendor store modification and management in which he can modify every this and vendor also have the same feature.

Each & every report of all the sections:

All the reports are available for all the sales, orders, products, commission & much more.

Commissions, Earnings, Sales, Orders, Graphical & analytical Report:

The best way to represent the report is Graphical & analytical report is available for both admin and vendor.

Vendor Direct Sale (On Admin Pre Approval):

Vendor can directly sell the products without the approval if the admin will pre-define it at the beginning.

Announcement Section:

Admin can send the announcements of everything he want and it will be shown at vendor end.

Generate Coupons:

It is possible with us to create a coupon for our customer satisfaction and discount purpose.

Social Media Login:

The major key feature is that vendor & customers can login with your social media account.


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WPML Integration:

We welcome our foreign users with our multi-lingual feature. Plugin is fully translatable.

Create Invoice & Packaging Slip:

You will get the feature of creating Invoice and Packing Slip with our plugin.

Duplicate Product For Different Vendors:

Different Vendor can sell the same products without any problem in selling.

Vendor & Product Review:

There is a review section that is possible for both vendor and products. It will be shown after admin confirmation.

Store Support Section:

We provide a particular section for store support for our customer convenience.

Seller/Vendor Verification:

We provide the perfect verification of seller by which it will be easy to trust your seller.

Stripe Payment Connect:

Here you will get the support of Stripe Connect for easy and quick transaction.

Ajax Live Search & Filtering:

Searching and filtering is possible without the page load on some clicks.

Product Inquiry:

Here you will get all the inquiry related to the particular product.

Geo-location & Mapping:

The feature of Geo-location & Mapping and mapping is possible with Google map & map-box API.


Other Features

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Vendor Dashboard with Live Reports:

Vendor’s dashboard also consist different report sections by which it will be easy to know all the activities.

Vendor Controllable Store:

The whole store is controllable from the vendor end.

CSV Export For Everything:

CSV export will provide all your data in csv format for your particular use.

Processing & Accessing Data Through Ajax:

Each and every functionality is working with Ajax By which it will be easy to use and great interface.

Interactive UI(user interface):

The best looking and interactive interface is available for both the end.

All Controls Under Admin:

Admin can control each and every thing from his end.

Single Load Multiple Action Dashboard:

All the different functionalities are working with Ajax that will prevent to reloading the page again and again.

Multiple Vendor in Order:

Customers can buy different products from different vendors in a single order.

Status Tracking On Available Wallet Amount(Vendor):

Vendor can track everything related to the wallet amount and withdrawals at every point.