How to override templates

Saved Addresses For WooCommerce allows logged-in (registered) users to save multiple shipping and billing addresses during checkout. Thus it speeds up the checkout process and increases conversions.

A logged-in user can also manage all their addresses from their account.

This doc article explains how to replace/override plugin templates.

Note: The below is considered a customization. We are happy to provide guidance, but we are unable to provide support or help to suit your store.
Only use it if you are comfortable with PHP and custom coding, and troubleshooting on your own.

Override template via another template file

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All the overridable template files can be found within the /saved-addresses-for-woocommerce/templates/ directory.

Use your own template in place of the default one provided by the plugin. Copy the template into a directory within your active theme named /woocommerce keeping the same file structure but removing the /templates/ subdirectory.

Overriding saved-address.php

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To override the address display template,
copy: /wp-content/plugins/saved-addresses-for-woocommerce/templates/saved-addresses.php
to: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/woocommerce/saved-addresses-for-woocommerce/saved-addresses.php

The copied file will now override the Saved Addresses For WooCommerce default template file and the plugin will use your template file (if found).

Overriding my-address.php

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To override my account’s > address template,
copy: /wp-content/plugins/saved-addresses-for-woocommerce/templates/myaccount/my-address.php
to: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/woocommerce/saved-addresses-for-woocommerce/myaccount/my-address.php

The copied file will now override the Saved Addresses For WooCommerce my account template file and the plugin will use your template file (if found).