Saved Addresses For WooCommerce

Saved Addresses For WooCommerce allows logged-in (registered) users to save multiple shipping and billing addresses during checkout. Speed up the checkout process and increase conversions.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go toWordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New to upload the file you downloaded.
  3. Activate the extension.

More information at: Installing and Managing Plugins.

Enable plugin updates

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Please follow the steps listed here to enable plugin updates for Saved Addresses For WooCommerce.

Setup and Configuration

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This plugin does not require any settings after activation. Just activate it and you are good to go.

How does it work?

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When a logged-in user adds a product to the cart and then navigates to checkout, this plugin will fetch all the saved addresses for that user and show it like in the below screenshot:

Saved Addresses For WooCommerce

Users can select an address from the list of available addresses for the order and can also edit, or delete an address.

If no saved address is found for the user and if the user has previous orders, then the plugin will fetch those previous addresses and present them to the user to use.

My Account

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Users can view and manage all their addresses from the My Account > Address page.

From here, the user can add, edit or delete the address. They can also make an address as a default address from here.

Saved Addresses For WooCommerce

Override plugin templates

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How to override templates

Updating from an older version

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If you are updating the plugin from a version < 2.5.0 to any version above it (or the latest version), please note:

It is a major update – Display of addresses on the checkout page

Earlier, all saved addresses were shown on the checkout page. Now by default, only two addresses will be shown. Rest saved addresses, customers can choose from the dropdown on the checkout page. Kindly review your checkout page to know more about the changes.


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1. Does this plugin work with both – billing and shipping addresses?

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2. Does this plugin work for guest users/users who do not have an account?

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Feature request

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Have a feature request or enhancement suggestion for Saved Addresses For WooCommerce? Submit it from here: Submit a feature request.

Questions and Support

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Have a question before you buy it? Please fill out this pre-sales form.

Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch with the developer.