Customizing the Stripe extension
While we strive to make the Stripe extension easy to use, we also want to ensure you can modify the extension to meet the unique needs of your store and customers. If you’re looking to customize the Stripe extension, we’ve compiled common developer-level requests on this page. Common customization topics We have individual pages that […]
How can I send product details to Stripe as metadata?
When a customer places an order via the Stripe extension, you may want to send additional details to Stripe as metadata. To do this, you can use the wc_stripe_intent_metadata filter via some custom PHP code in your theme’s functions.php file or a plugin like Code Snippets. Here’s an example snippet: Here’s how the metadata from that snippet appears […]
How do I change which payment icons are used?
The Stripe extension includes some assets to display payment method icons. You can use the wc_stripe_payment_icons filter to use different icons than the ones included in the extension by default. For example, to replace the existing Visa icon, you could use this snippet:
How do I translate the payment form placeholder text?
The Stripe extension payment form has placeholder values that are automatically translated by Stripe. By default, they use the visitor’s browser locale. These placeholders cannot be translated via the usual methods because the form is loaded in an iframe, so we’ve shown how to translate them below. If you are using the legacy checkout experience, […]
How can I change the style of the payment form?
The payment form that our Stripe extension generates and places on the checkout page is actually hosted on a separate PCI-compliant server. As such, applying styles to the payment form using custom CSS will not work as expected. To modify the styling of the payment fields, you will need to insert some custom PHP code […]