
Learn how to set up, customize, and expand the functionality of WooCommerce




  • Preset Workflows

    Preset workflows (presets) were introduced in AutomateWoo 5.1. Presets are pre-configured workflows that you can choose from to quickly and easily create your own workflows. They include example content that you can build upon and modify to meet your store’s unique needs. How do presets work? Creating a workflow from a preset will create a […]

  • Product display templates

    Product Display Templates determine how product variables, such as {{ shop.products }} or {{ order.items }}, are displayed in an email. When inserting a variable, you can define which template should be used with the template parameter. When you purchase AutomateWoo, you are provided with five different template options by default. If you wish to customize how products appear, it is possible […]

  • Queue

    The workflow queue contains a list of “workflow tasks” that are due to run at specific times. Tasks are added to the workflow queue when a workflow’s timing option is set to something other than Run Immediately. Tasks created by manual workflow will also always be added to the queue but are scheduled to run […]

  • Refer A Friend

  • Refer A Friend – Shortcodes

    Since each of these shortcodes are dynamic, page caching must be disabled on any page where they are used. Please note all shortcodes are not for use in emails, instead use AutomateWoo variables. [automatewoo_referrals_page] – This displays the referral share form on the referral share page nominated in the referral settings. [automatewoo_referrals_share_widget] – It is important to note that […]

  • Referral Statuses

    When a new referral is created for an order it will either have the status Pending or Potential Fraud. If you have enabled auto-approval then the referral status will be automatically changed to Approved once the corresponding order gets marked as completed. If the referral is marked as Potential Fraud then the referral will not be […]

  • Regenerate AutomateWoo database tables

    If your AutomateWoo installation becomes corrupted or crashes, you may need to regenerate the AutomateWoo database tables installed on your site. To do so:

  • Remind customers about products on their wishlist

    Use case This workflow will send customers an email to remind them about products they have saved to their wishlist and inform them when the come on sale. Prerequisites Your store must be using the WooCommerce Wishlists plugin Workflow setup Create a new workflow. Select the Wishlist Item on Sale trigger. Click Add Action and […]

  • Remind customers to leave a review

    Use case This workflow will create an automatic post-purchase review email to send to customers to help solicit product reviews which can be used to help build your SEO and drive more traffic to your store. Workflow setup Create a new workflow. Select the Order Completed trigger. Click Add Action and select Send Email. Select […]

  • Replace WP-Cron with a real cron job

    Note: This is a developer-level doc. If you are unfamiliar with code/templates, resolving potential conflicts, or custom cron jobs, please seek assistance from a qualified WordPress/WooCommerce developer. We highly recommend Codeable or a Woo Agency Partner. We are unable to provide support for customizations under our Support Policy. Replacing the standard WP-Cron system with a real cron job on your server […]