Compatibility and Integrations

Gift Cards has been designed from the ground up to follow WooCommerce conventions and sound engineering practices. However, we cannot guarantee that every plugin and payment gateway will work with it in a seamless, predictable manner.

Supported Extensions

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The following extensions have been tested to work with Gift Cards and are officially supported by our team. This list is not exhaustive. Other extensions and third-party plugins may work with Gift Cards without issues. However, our team is only able to officially support the extensions listed here.

ExtensionIntegration Details
WooCommerce BlocksView
Print Invoices and Packing ListsView
Conditional Shipping and PaymentsView
Woo SubscriptionsView
All Products for Woo SubscriptionsView
Name Your PriceView

WooCommerce Blocks

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The integration makes Gift Cards compatible with the new Cart and Checkout blocks.


  • Existing integrations between Gift Cards and other extensions may not work as expected when using the block-based Checkout.

Print Invoices and Packing Lists

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The integration ensures that used gift card amounts are correctly displayed in Invoices created with Print Invoices and Packing Lists.

Conditional Shipping and Payments

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The integration between Gift Cards and Conditional Shipping and Payments:

  • Makes it possible to conditionally prevent customers from paying with gift cards.
  • Adds two new conditions — Gift Card Product and Gift Cards.


  • The integration between Gift Cards and Conditional Shipping and Payments has only been tested with the shortcode-based Cart and Checkout. It does not include Store API support, and will not work as expected with the new Cart and Checkout Blocks.

Restricting Payments with Gift Cards

The integration allows you to create Payment Gateway restrictions to conditionally prevent customers from paying with Gift Cards. Here’s an example:

Prevent orders from being paid using gift cards if the Shipping State is California.

Using Gift Cards in Conditions

The Gift Card Product condition allows you to prevent customers from using certain Payment Gateways while purchasing gift cards. Here is an example:

The Gift Cards condition allows you to prevent customers from using certain Payment Gateways when their order is partially paid using gift cards. Here is an example:

For more details on all available gift card-related conditions and their modifiers refer to the Conditional Shipping and Payments documentation.

Woo Subscriptions

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The integration with Woo Subscriptions allows customers to pay for subscriptions and subscription renewals using their gift cards balance.


  • The integration between Gift Cards and WooCommerce Subscriptions has only been tested with the shortcode-based Cart and Checkout. It does not include Store API support, and may not work as expected with the new Cart and Checkout Blocks.

First, make sure that the feature is available and enabled on your store. With Gift Cards installed and activated, log in to your WordPress dashboard and:

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings> Subscriptions.
  2. Locate the Let customers pay for renewals using their Gift Cards account balance option.
  3. Make sure that the option is enabled. If not, tick its box and save your changes.

Once you have followed these steps, customers will see a handy Pay with Gift Cards Balance toggle button when viewing their subscriptions:

Note that: 

  • Pay with Gift Cards Balance is only available with subscription payment methods that support automatic recurring payments. Gift Cards will not automate renewal payments with payment gateways that don’t natively support this feature.
  • When Pay with Gift Cards Balance is enabled, WooCommerce will attempt to use the gift cards balance of the customer’s account, and fall back to the chosen payment method for any outstanding amount. For example, if a subscription renewal costs $50 and a customer’s account has only $20 available from redeemed gift cards, then WooCommerce will use those $20 and cover the remaining $30 via the “conventional” payment gateway chosen by the customer.
  • It is not possible to apply individual gift card codes to subscriptions. Subscribers who wish to use their gift card codes to pay for subscription renewals will need to “store” their codes in their accounts.

All Products for Woo Subscriptions

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The integration with All Products for Woo Subscriptions allows you to sell simple or variable gift cards on subscription. Every time a gift card product subscription is renewed, a new gift card code is issued and e-mailed to its recipient.

Name Your Price

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The integration with Name your Price makes it possible to let customers choose a custom price/value when purchasing prepaid gift cards. Store Managers can also:

  • suggest a price for gift card products; and optionally
  • enforce a minimum price.

Supported Payment Gateways

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The following payment gateways have been tested with Gift Cards successfully. This list is not exhaustive: Other payment gateways may exist that work with Gift Cards without issues.

PayPal Standard—
PayPal Checkout—
PayPal Powered by Braintree—
Klarna Payments—
Klarna CheckoutKlarna Checkout v2.2.0+ is required.

Unsupported Payment Gateways

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The following payment gateways have known compatibility issues with Gift Cards. This list is not exhaustive. Other payment gateways may exist that do not work with Gift Cards as expected.

GatewayIssue Description
PayTabsPayTabs supports only physical products. Gift Cards are virtual/digital products. Therefore, it is not possible to use PayTabs to purchase Gift Card products.
SquareSquare throws intermittent “amount mismatch” errors with gift card plugins that filter the order total directly.

Questions & Support

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Have a question before you buy? Please fill out this pre-sales form.
Already purchased and need assistance? Get in touch with us via the Help Desk!