Product Price Before and After Text

Before you begin

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Before using this product, please ensure you review and accept our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Installation and updates

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Before using this product on a production website you should thoroughly test it on a staging/development environment, including all aspects of your website and potential data volumes, even if not directly related to the functionality the product provides.

The same process should also be completed when updating any aspect of your website in future, such as performing installations/updates, making changes to any configuration, custom web development, etc.

Always refer to the changelog before updating.


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Please see this documentation.


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Please see this documentation.

Quick start guide

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  • Perform the installation steps above
  • Create or edit a product
  • In the product data section click the Advanced tab
  • Populate the before price and/or after price text fields
  • Save the product, text will now be displayed before/after the price
  • You can also assign text at product category level instead, when creating or editing a category use the before and/or after price text fields. This will apply the text to all products within the category. If products have text set at product level this will override the category level text

Product options

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You can set before/after price text at product level.

  • Create or edit a product
  • In the product data section click the Advanced tab
  • Populate the before price and/or after price text fields
  • Save the product, text will now be displayed before/after the price
Product level before/after price text fields
Product showing before/after price text

Category options

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You can set before/after price text at category level.

  • Create or edit a category
  • Populate the before price and/or after price text fields
  • Save the category, text will now be displayed before/after the price on all products within this category
  • If a product is in multiple categories the before/after price text will be used from the primary product category
  • If products have text set at product level this will override the category level text
Category level before/after price text fields

BETA functionality

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We may occasionally include BETA functionality, this is highlighted with a (BETA) label. Functionality with this label should be used with caution and is only recommended to be tested on a staging/development environment. The functionality is included so users can test the functionality/provide feedback before it becomes stable, at which point the (BETA) label will be removed. Note that there may be occasions where BETA functionality is determined unsuitable for use and removed entirely.


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If you are using any form of caching then it is recommended that the cache lifespan/expiry should be set to 10 hours or less. This is recommended by most major caching solutions to avoid potential issues with WordPress nonces.

Screen sizes

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  • Frontend: Where elements may be displayed they will fit within the screen width
  • Backend: Where interfaces may be displayed it is recommended to use a desktop computer with a resolution of 1920×1080 or higher, for lower resolutions any interfaces will attempt to fit within the screen width but some elements may be close together and/or larger than the screen width


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We generally recommend Loco Translate to translate and/or adapt text strings within this product.

Works with

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Where we have explicitly stated this product works with another product, this should only be assumed accurate if you are using the version of the other product which was the latest at the time the latest version of this product was released. This is because, while usually unlikely, the other product may have changed functionality which effects this product.


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Is it compatible with a specific theme?

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This extension will generally be compatible with most themes. There may be a small number of themes that are fully or partially incompatible due to clashes in functionality and/or if the theme has removed or adapted core WooCommerce functionality. If you would like to know if a specific theme will be compatible before purchase then please contact us and we can advise, it may not be possible for us to determine this e.g. if the theme requires a license and/or several configuration steps. In this scenario you are welcome to purchase and test this extension with the theme and if there is a a compatibility issue you can take advantage of the refund policy for this extension.

Is it compatible with a specific extension/plugin?

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This extension will generally be compatible with most extensions/plugins. There may be a small number of extensions/plugins that are fully or partially incompatible due to clashes in functionality and/or if the extension/plugin has removed or adapted core WooCommerce functionality. If you would like to know if a specific extension/plugin will be compatible before purchase then please contact us and we can advise, it may not be possible for us to determine this e.g. if the extension/plugin requires a license and/or several configuration steps. In this scenario you are welcome to purchase and test this extension with the other extension/plugin and if there is a a compatibility issue you can take advantage of the refund policy for this extension.

Is it compatible with a specific page builder?

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This extension will generally be compatible with most page builders. There may be a small number of page builders that are fully or partially incompatible due to clashes in functionality and/or if the page builder has removed or adapted core WooCommerce functionality. If you would like to know if a specific page builder will be compatible before purchase then please contact us and we can advise, it may not be possible for us to determine this e.g. if the page builder requires a license and/or several configuration steps. In this scenario you are welcome to purchase and test this extension with the page builder and if there is a a compatibility issue you can take advantage of the refund policy for this extension.


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If you need any further assistance with this extension please contact us. Please note that extension support does not include providing assistance with any custom development requirements as per the WooCommerce support policy.

Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.