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  2. Smart Coupons /
  3. How to create a coupon for new users only

How to create a coupon for new users only

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc explains how you create a coupon that only new users can redeem on your store.

Creating a coupon for new users

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  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel > Marketing > Coupons > Add coupon.
  2. Click on the ‘Generate coupon code’ button or enter your own code.
  3. Under the “General” tab, look for the field “For new user only?“ and enable the checkbox.
  4. Set other fields for the coupon as per your requirements.
  5. Publish the coupon.

That’s it.

How coupon validation works for new users?

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A new user coupon will work if a user is placing an order for the first time and / or a user doesn’t have any previous orders in their account.

In case of a guest checkout, the previous orders will be checked based on the billing email address entered by the user.