Customer Email Verification for WooCommerce

The Customer Email Verification helps you to reduce registration spam and fake orders by requiring customers to verify their email address when they register an account or before they can place an order on your store.

How it works

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You can choose between 2 verification flows, Registration and Checkout. Depending on your business needs, you can activate just one of the workflows, or activate both.

Email Verification Flow – Registration

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Require customers to verify their email address when they register for a Customer Account.

  1. When a customer sign up for an account in your store, the account is flagged as Unverified Email
  2. The verification popup will display on all account pages and will allow the customers to enter a verification code to verify their email and activate their account to access the account area.
  3. The verification code and a verification link are sent to the new customer email address and they can verify their email by entering the verification code or by clicking on the Verification link in the email.
  4. Once a customer verifies the email address on the account and will be redirected to the account dashboard (or any other page you choose) , and the Customer account will be flagged as Verified Email.

Email Verification Flow – Checkout

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Requires Guest Customers to verify their email address before they can proceed to checkout or before they can place an order. You can choose the popup overlay verification before the customer can enter the Checkout page or to use the inline verification that will let the customer proceed to checkout and will disable the option to complete the order until the customer email is verified.
  1. Guest customer proceeds to checkout on your store
  2. The verification popup overlay will allow the customer to enter his email address and the verification code and a verification link are sent to the new customer email address
  3. Customers can verify their email by entering the verification code in the verification popup or by clicking on the Verification link in the verification email
  4. The Customer is directed to checkout to complete the order
  5. The Customer created an account during checkout, the customer account will be flagged as Verified Email.

Customer Experience

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Verification Popup

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The verification popup overlay will display when the customer is not restricted to continue without verification, when a customer tries to login to his account or to proceed to checkout. The popup will display the verification message and the option to enter the verification code to verify the email address.  In case the email was not received, the customer can request to resend the verification email. Email Verification Popup overlay:

 Inline Email Verification (Checkout)

The inline works after the customer enters the email address during checkout, verification code and link will be sent to the customer and they will have the option to enter the verification code to verify the email address.  In case the email was not received, the customer can request to resend the verification email. Inline verification – step 1 Inline verification – step 2

Verification Email

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Verification Email with the verification code and link:

Verify updated email address in customer account

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When a customer changes the email address on his account to a new email address, a verification code and link are sent to the new email address, and the account email address change will only apply after the customer verified the new email address. Verification on my-account

Setup & Configuration

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To set up the email verification plugin, in your WordPress admin, navigate to WooCommerce > email verification.

Email verification for new customer accounts

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Enable email verification for new customer accounts – Require new customers to verify their email address when they register for an account on your store and if the customers did not verify their email address, they will not be able to login to their account.
  • Allow first login after registration without verification – allow your customers to access their account for the first time after registration before they verify the email address
  • Verification Code in new account email –  if you select this option, the verification message, code and link will be added in New Account Emails. The separate email verification will be sent only when the customer (or admin) resend verification.
  • Delay account email until successful email verification – Delay the WooCommerce New Account email and send it to the customer only after successful verification.
Please note: the email verification for new accounts does not apply to customers who register an account during checkout or when registering accounts with social plugins.

Email verification before checkout

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Enable Email verification before checkout – if you enable this option, registered customers that are flagged as Unverified Email or guest customers will not be able to checkout without verifying their email address, the plugin adds a popup on the Checkout page that will require the email verification to proceed to checkout. The verification email will be sent to the customer and once they enter the verification code or click on the verification link, they will be redirected to the checkout page.
  • Enable the email verification on cart page – enable the email verification before checkout.
  • Require email verification only for Free Orders – this will require customers to verify their email address before checkout only when there is no payment (free products)
Please note: if a guest customer verified his email address during checkout and created an account during checkout, his email address on the account will be verified automatically.

Email Verification Options

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  • Verification success message – the message that will appear on the top of the my-account or checkout page after successful email verification.
  • Page to redirect after successful verification – select a page to redirect users after successful verification. In case the email verification was during checkout, the user will be directed to checkout.
  • Skip email verification for the selected user roles – You can skip the email verification for the selected user roles and automatically set them as verified.
  • Verification code length – available options 4-digits, 6-digits, 9-digits (defaults to 4-digits)
  • Verification code expiration – choose if you wish to set expiry time to the verification code / link – Never, 10 min, 30 min, 1 Hour, 24 Hours, 72 Hours (defaults to Never expires).
  • Limit Resend – limit the amount of times the user can resend the verification email. Choose between once, 3 times, never.
  • Limit Resend Message – defaults to “Too Many attempts” – you can use HTML to add a link to your contact page.


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You can fully personalize and edit the content of the verification workflows and customize the verification popup overlay and emails design using a customizer with a live preview. To customize the verification popup and email, go to WooCommerce > Email Verification, and click on the Customize option on the settings menu.

Customizer Panels

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  • Verification Popup
    • Popup Style
    • Popup Content – Registration/Checkout
  • Verification Email
    • Email Style
    • Email Content – Registration/Checkout

Customize the Popup Design

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  • Popup Background Color – select the widget background
  • Overlay Background Color – select the lightbox overlay background color
  • Content width – The popup widget width
  • Content Padding – The popup widget padding
  • Content Alignment – Center, Left

Popup Header

  • Header Image – choose image to display on the widget header
  • Header image width – select the header image width
  • Header font size

Verification button

  • Button color
  • Button font color
  • Button font size
  • Button Padding
  • Expand Button – option to expand the button to full content width.

Customize the Popup Content

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  • Widget Type – navigate between the registration widget and the Checkout widget to customize the widget content
  • Header text – Select the title for the Widget. Defaults to: “Verify it’s you.”
  • Content message – default to “We sent verification code to {customer_email}. To verify your email address, please check your inbox and enter the code below.”
  • Additional Footer text – Select the title for the Widget. Defaults to: “Didn’t receive an email? {cev-resend-verification}”
  • Button Text – the verification button text (verify code)

Customize the Email Design

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  • Content width – The email content width
  • Content Padding – The email content padding
  • Content Alignment – Center, Left
  • Background Color – select the email content background
  • Border Color – select the lightbox overlay background color
  • Font Color – select the font color

Email Header 

  • Header Image – choose image to display on the email header
  • Header image width – select the header image width
  • Header font size 

Verification button

  • Button color
  • Button font color
  • Button font size
  • Button Padding
  • Expand Button – option to expand the button to full content width.


  • Footer content – additional text under the verification button

Customize the Email Content

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  • Widget Type – navigate between the registration widget and the Checkout widget to customize the email content
  • Heading text – Select the title for the Widget. Defaults to: “Verify it’s you.”
  • Content message – default to “We sent verification code to {customer_email}. To verify your email address, please check your inbox and enter the code below.”
  • Additional Footer text – Select the title for the Widget. Defaults to: “Didn’t receive an email? {cev-resend-verification}”
  • Verification Button Text – the verification button text (verify code)

Manage Customers

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To manage the unverified users, go to WordPress > Users. The Customer Email Verification will display the email verification status for each user and the option to manually verify, un-verify and users (Customer Role)  from the bulk actions menu and action buttons. you can also verify, resend the verification and un-verify from a single user admin:


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Our Tools allow you to run bulk actions on all unverified customers at once or to schedule auto-delete for unverified customers after a certain time from when the account was created. WooCommerce > Email Verification > Tools
  • Manually Verify the emails of all Customers with unverified email address
  • Resend Verification Code to all Customers with unverified email address
  • Automatically delete users that did not verify their emails after X days (select the number of days)


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The plugin should be compatible with any plugin that works with the standard WooCommerce customer registration and checkout templates and should work with any social media login plugins. We tested the Customer Email Verification with the following plugins:

Checkout WC

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WooCommerce Social Login

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Nextend Social Login and Register

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WooCommerce Memberships

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WooCommerce Checkout & Funnel Builder by CartFlows

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Affiliate For WooCommerce

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We are fully compatible with the Affiliate For WooCommerce plugin. Require affiliate user to verify their email address when they register for an Affiliate Account.
  1. When an affiliate user signs up for an affiliate account in your store, the account is flagged as an Unverified Email
  2. The verification popup will display on all account pages and will allow the user to enter a verification code to verify their email and activate their account to access the account area.
  3. The verification code and a verification link are sent to the new user’s email address and they can verify their email by entering the verification code or by clicking on the Verification link in the email.
  4. Once a user verifies the email address on the account and will be redirected to the account dashboard, and the user account will be flagged as Verified Email.

Smart Manager

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We are compatible with the Smart Manager plugin. You can see if the registered user email is verified or not from the Smart Manager users list.

Email Customizer Pro by StoreApps

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We are fully compatible with Email Customizer Pro.


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We are compatible with One page checkout feature of the Cashier plugin. Email Verification works in the One Page Checkout. Requires Guest Customers to verify their email address before they can proceed to checkout or before they can place an order. Both Inline and popup verification will work with One Page Checkout. Inline Verification Popup Verification