Product Description on Shop Page

Show product description on shop, category and other archive pages.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.
More information at Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

Setup and Configuration

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Once the plugin is installed and activated, you will notice a new item under WooCommerce > Product Description on Shop Page.

General Settings:

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  • In general settings you can customize following options
  • Display description on specific or all listing pages
  • Choose from 8 different positions
    • Before product title
    • After product title
    • Before rating
    • After rating
    • Before price
    • After price
    • Before add to cart button
    • After add to cart button
  • Choose to display product short, long or custom loop description

Style Settings:

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You can choose to leave this empty to inherit the theme styling or override to use custom styling for short description. You can customize,
  • Text alignment
  • Font size
  • Font color

Custom loop description tab on product page:

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After installation, you will notice a new custom loop description tab on product page. This will help you to add a sales crafted description to be displayed on shop pages.