Merchant Warrior

The Merchant Warrior payment gateway allows you to use Merchant Warrior as a payment processor for your WooCommerce store. The extension supports Payframe (including 3D Secure), Transparent Redirect and PayID. Process Visa and Mastercard in AUD and NZD by default, and optionally accept other currencies and American Express, Diners Club and JCB with approval. With Payframe and Transparent Redirect, credit card details are sent directly from your checkout page to Merchant Warrior servers where they are processed, and the user is redirected to your Thank You page. Credit card details never touch your server, so PCI compliance is not necessary to ensure a seamless customer experience.


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To use this integration, you need:

  • An active Merchant Warrior account from
  • A trusted SSL certificate
  • AUD or NZD as your payment currency*
* Other currencies can be activated by Merchant Warrior


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  • Purchase and download the plugin zip file from
  • Obtain your Merchant Warrior API details from the Merchant Administration Panel > Warrior Express. You will need your Merchant UUID, API Key and API Passphrase.
  • Login to your WordPress Admin. Click on Plugins | Add New from the left hand menu.
  • Click on the “Upload” option, then click “Browse” to select the zip file from your computer. Once selected, press “OK” and press the “Install Now” button.
  • Activate the plugin.

Setup and Configuration

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  • To configure the plugin, click on WooCommerce | Settings from the left hand menu, then the top tab “Payments”. Click on “Merchant Warrior” in the list.
  • Configure the options:
    • Tick to “Enable this payment method”.
    • The “Title” option allows you to determine what your customers will see this payment option displayed as. You might choose for this to be something like “Merchant Warrior” or “Credit card”
    • Select the Integration Method you wish to use (MW Payframe is a more seamless experience and supports 3D Secure).
    • The “Enable Test mode” option allows you to test transactions with this payment gateway to ensure your details are correct. See below for testing details.
    • Add your Merchant Warrior UUID, API key and API passphrase in the respective fields. You will need to provide all three.
    • If you need to support multiple websites, enter a Store ID. Merchant Warrior will need to enable this functionality for your account first.
    • (Payframe only) You can optionally enable Saved cards to allow customers to reuse payment details they’ve used before.
    • (Payframe only) You can optionally enable 3D Secure.
    • You can optionally enable Auto Surcharge which will allow Merchant Warrior to calculate and charge an additional transaction surcharge. Note that this surcharge will not appear in WooCommerce and the transaction amount may be greater than the order total.
    • If you have arranged with Merchant Warrior to accept American Express, Diners Club or JCB cards, tick these boxes to advise customers they can use these card types on the payment screen.
    • (Payframe only) You can style the Payframe to match your website’s styles. Read about the full list of options available.
  • Save changes and you’re all done!

About PayID

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Merchant Warrior now supports accepting payments via PayID. This is a summary of how PayID functions:
  1. You complete initial setup of PayID including generating your store’s PayID email address and notifying Merchant Warrior of your Notification URL.
  2. A customer chooses PayID as their payment method during checkout.
  3. On the order confirmation page, and in the order confirmation email, the customer will be shown the PayID email address and the reference number (order number) to include. The order will be placed into On Hold status.
  4. When Merchant Warrior receives the PayID payment, it will send the information to your Notification URL. The plugin will look at the reference and description fields to try to find a matching order.
  5. If a matching order is found and the payment amount is correct, the order will be marked as payment completed.
  6. If a matching order could not be found (for example if the customer omits the reference number), or the payment amount is incorrect, a notification email will be sent to you with details of the PayID payment. This will need to be manually reconciled with the order.

Setting up PayID

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  • To enable PayID for your WooCommerce store, click on WooCommerce | Settings from the left hand menu, then the top tab “Payments”. Click on “Merchant Warrior PayID” in the list.
  • Configure the options:
    • Tick to “Enable this payment method”.
    • The “Title” option allows you to determine what your customers will see this payment option displayed as. You might choose for this to be something like “Merchant Warrior PayID” or “PayID”
    • The “Enable Test mode” option allows you to test transactions with this payment gateway to ensure your details are correct. See below for testing details.
    • Add your Merchant Warrior UUID, API key and API passphrase in the respective fields. You will need to provide all three.
    • Enter a short version of the name of your store in the PayID Identifier field, then click Register (Test) PayID. This will register a new PayID with Merchant Warrior which looks like an email address. Please note: your live and test PayIDs will need to be registered separately. To generate your live PayID, you will need to disable the Test Mode toggle above and then ensure you have registered a live PayID.
    • You will need to advise Merchant Warrior of your Notification URL. Below the PayID Identifier field is a handy email shortcut to email your UUID and Notification URL to Merchant Warrior support. Without Merchant Warrior updating your Notification URL, you will not be able to automatically reconcile PayID payments.
    • Enter a Notification Email where you would like to receive emails about PayID payments that were unable to be automatically reconciled with orders. These will need to be manually reconciled and the order status updated manually.
  • Save changes and you’re all done!

Testing details

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To test payments using test details, use the following credit card details:
Card number: 4564710000000004 (Visa) Expiry: 02/29 CVV: 847

More information

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For more information about Merchant Warrior, Payframe, Transparent Redirect or PayID, please see the Merchant Warrior website.

Questions & Support

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Have a question before you buy? Please fill out this pre-sales form. Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch the developer via the Help Desk.