Acutrack Webservice

Acutrack / Woocommerce Order Notification Setup


  1. Your Product SKU can be any alphanumeric number (max 33 char). Please confirm whatever SKU you use in your shopping cart.
  2. Email us the shipping methods you offer in your shopping cart.
  3. First Article Order: Once the integration is completed, please place a test order and confirm the support team. The team will download the test order from your Woocommerce shopping cart and confirm if the order is placed successfully at Acutrack.
  4. Install SSL on your store to enable Woocommerce orders API so that we can download the orders automatically.
  1. Login to Woocommerce store admin panel:
  2. API Settings

To enable the REST API within Woocommerce, go to Woocommerce > Settings > API tab and tick the Enable REST API checkbox.

  1. Generating API keys
  • To get started, select Add Key
  • To create or manage keys for a specific WordPress user, go to Woocommerce > Settings >    API > Keys/Apps.
  • Add a key with a description name Acutrack.
  • Select the user as Admin.
  • Select Read / Write permission
  • Click the Generate API Key
  • Once the API Key is generated you should see two new keys, a QRCode, and a Revoke API Key button. These two keys are your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

Configure Acutrack Webservice

  • Click Add-ons on the left Menu
  • Enter your Woocommerce shop URL in the text field
  • Select Acutrack
  • Click Configure Button.
  • Once you click the Configure button, you will be redirected to Acutrack Customer Portal to Register.