Allied Wallet

Note: This product has been retired. Documentation is no longer being updated.


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  • Purchase and download the plugin zip file from
  • Login to your WordPress Admin. Click on Plugins | Add New from the left hand menu
  • Click on the “Upload” option, then click “Browse” to select the zip file from your computer. Once selected, press “OK” and press the “Install Now” button.
  • Activate the plugin.

Get Credentials from Allied Wallet

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You need to have an active Merchant Services account Allied Wallet. Contact Allied Wallet Support and request two things:
  • Allied Wallet MerchantID
  • Allied Wallet Site ID

Configure the gateway

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  • To configure the plugin, click on WooCommerce | Settings from the left hand menu, then the top tab “Payment Gateways”. You should see “Allied Wallet” as an option in the list.
  • Optionally you can select the radio button next to this option to make it the default gateway.
  • You should see “Allied Wallet” displayed across the top of the page as a link also. Click on this to configure the plugin, and you will see a list of options:
    • Enable/Disable checkbox for this gateway
    • The “Title” option allows you to determine what your customers will see this payment option described as on the checkout page
    • The “Description” box controls the message that appears under the payment fields on the checkout page
    • Allied Wallet MerchantID – Requested from Allied Wallet Support in the section above
    • Allied Wallet SiteID – Requested from Allied Wallet Support in the section above
    • Debug Log – If this option is checked then details of communication with Allied Wallet are stored in a debug log at location /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/logs/alliedwallet.txt
    • Press Save changes to save your changes.