Back In Stock and Price Alert

Setup and Configuration

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The dashboard allows you to get information about total subscribers, alerts sent, last subscription date and last alert sent date. You can also see the most subscribed products. The extension display the above details for both price alert and stock alert subscriptions.

General settings:

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The general settings tab allows you to enable GDPR checkbox on both price alert and restock alert subscription box.

Back in stock alerts:

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The restock tab allows you to control settings related to out of stock subscription and restock alert emails alerts. Here is the details what you can customize here,
  • Enable restock subscription feature
  • Enable on backorder products (The users can backorder and some can choose to subscribe and receive alert when product is back in stock)
  • Enable for all or specific user roles
  • Enable for all products or specific products (The extension will only display subscription box when any of these selected products goes out of stock.)
  • Minimum stock quantity (This allows you to send email alert only when the quantity is refilled beyond this minimum quantity number)
  • Customize subscription box title, its color, place holder, button title and color
  • Customize subscription successful, failure, unsubscribe messages
  • Customize subscribe and unsubscribe messages for registered and guest users. (Instead of display a subscription box, the extension displays just a link to let registered users subscribe with a single click and receive email notification on their account email address.)
  • Customize text color of the link to make it prominent.

Manage stock alert subscribers

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The “stock grid” lists all subscribers, you can filter them by subscription status and product. You can enter product name in search to filter table by product.

Price alerts

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The price alert tab allows you to control settings related to price alert subscription and emails. Here is the details what you can customize here,
  • Enable price alert subscription feature
  • Enable on out of stock products only
  • Sent alert in price increase or decrease or both
  • Enable for all or specific user roles
  • Enable for all products or specific products
  • Customize subscription box title, its color, place holder, button title and color
  • Customize subscription successful, failure, unsubscribe messages
  • Customize subscribe and unsubscribe messages for registered and guest users. (Instead of display a subscription box, the extension displays just a link to let registered users subscribe with a single click and receive email notification on their account email address.)
  • Customize text color of the link to make it prominent.

Manage price alert subscribers

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The “price grid” lists all subscribers, you can filter them by subscription status and product. You can enter product name in search to filter table by product.

Email customization

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You can send email notification to both admin and customers on subscription, restock and price alerts. The extension offers 7 alert types.
  • Email to admins when there are new-stock alert subscriptions
  • Email to admins when there are new-price alert subscriptions
  • Email to customers when there are new restock subscriptions
  • Email to customers when they enable price-alert subscriptions
  • Email to customers when product prices increase
  • Email to customers when product prices drop
  • Email to customers when products restock
You can use the variables to personalize the email body text which includes {user_name}, {user_email}, {product_name}, {unsubscribe_url}. You can enable / disable emails, customize the email subject and heading form WooCommerce > Settings > Emails.

Email log

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The email log keeps a record of all emails sent from this extension. You can see the email address, sent time, product name and more.