BI Store Analytics by AdScale

AdScale’s BI store analytics analyzes your store data and generates a complete report that includes KPI’s, business insights, and actionable recommendations, all with the goal of helping you to optimize your marketing efforts and maximize your revenue based on the power of store data.  


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1. Go to your WooCommerce account and then to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin

2. Upload the plugin file and click on Install Now

3. Once the installation is completed, click on Activate Plugin

Processing the Report

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Once the plugin is installed and activated, our AI technology starts the full analysis of the store data, including products, orders, and customers. Depending on the volume of data, the generation of the report can take anywhere from a few seconds to several hours. You’ll get an email once the report is ready to view.

What’s Included in the report?


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The KPIs section gives the store owner an overview of basic and advanced KPI’s regarding the performance of the store, including the grade of the KPI in comparison to similar stores in the industry.

Business Insights

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The business insights section includes several widgets displaying information about the store performance according to revenue, customers’ performance, product performance and etc…

Actionable Recommendations

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The section of actionable recommendations presents the store’s weaknesses, the potential revenue they can gain by improving them, and a dedicated plan on how to do it.

Customer Segments

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Customer Segments are groups of customers that are mapped according to similar characteristics. You can check those segments to understand what segment is performing and what segment isn’t, where did you miss opportunities to grow revenue, or where you spend money on getting irrelevant traffic.

Product Segments

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Division of products to groups by similar characteristics. You can use this information to target relevant product segments to relevant customer segments.


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  • Minimum PHP version: 5.2
  • Minimum 100 historical orders