Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) emails

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) emails are sent to ensure our developer partners are providing quality support on the WooCommerce Marketplace.

Getting a CSAT email

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A CSAT email will be sent to you 7 days after you submit a support ticket.  The sender will be WooCommerce with an email subject line Support Ticket Feedback.

Submitting a CSAT response

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You’ll receive the following option to rate your recent support experience:

  • Very good
  • Neutral
  • Not good

You will also have the opportunity to confirm that a developer partner responded to you, the response time, and submit any additional feedback.

Note: If you don’t see a response in your inbox before you provide a rating, please check your spam or junk folders in case a response to your ticket was sent there instead.  

Reviewing a CSAT response

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CSAT responses are reviewed for accuracy. For example, if you say you received no response, we may take steps to verify. If necessary, a developer partner may follow up to ensure your support issue is addressed or resolved.