Dynamic Cart & Checkout Notices

Configurations & Setup

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Create multiple dynamic notices

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You can create multiple custom messages and trigger them to display on various conditions. Add multiple notices

Creating a new dynamic message

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Drafting message

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You can draft a message using a plain text editor and utilize the variables to make it more relevant. The available variables are:
  • Required cart quantity – {cart-quantity}
  • Required product quantity – {product-quantity}
  • Remaining cart amount – {remaining-cart-amount}
  • Remaining cart quantity – {remaining-cart-quantity}
  • Remaining product quantity – {remaining-product-quantity}
  • Product in cart – {products}
  • Product not in cart – {products_not_in}
  • Product from a category in cart – {categories}
  • Product from a category not in the cart – {categories_not_in}
  • Remaining time – {remaining-time}

Cart notice type

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The extension offers five different types of notices. Each notice type offers varied settings to create a relevant and dynamic custom message.
  • Simple message:
  • Product in the cart
  • Product not in the cart
  • Category in the cart
  • Category not in the cart
  • Cart quantity and amount
  • Deadline

CTA button

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You can include a button along with the custom message and link to any URL.

Notice display type

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Every WooCommerce store comes with some standard notification types that our extension uses to display the custom message. You can use these styles:
  • WooCommerce info
  • WooCommerce message
  • WooCommerce error
  • Heading tag (H1, H2, H3, or H4)
  • Simple paragraph

Notice display page and location

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You can choose to display messages on the cart, checkout, product, and archive pages. The available positions for each page type are, Product Page:
  • Before Single Product
  • Before Product Summary
  • Before Add to Cart Form
  • Before Add to Cart Button
  • Before Add to Cart
  • After Add to Cart
  • After Add to Cart Button
  • After Add to Cart Form
  • After Product Summary
  • After Single Product
Shop Page:
  • Before Main Content
  • Before Shop Loop
  • After Shop Loop
  • After Main Content
Cart Page
  • Before Cart
  • Before Cart Table
  • Before Cart Contents
  • After Cart Contents
  • After Cart Table
  • After Cart
Checkout Page
  • Before Checkout Form
  • Before Customer Details
  • Before Billing Form
  • After Billing Form
  • Before Shipping Form
  • After Shipping Form
  • After Customer Details
  • Before Order Review
  • Before Order payment
  • After Order Submit
  • After Order payment
  • After Order review
  • After Checkout Form


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The extension offers extension conditions to let you choose when to trigger the message. The conditions depend on the notice type. These conditions are available for different notices types:
  • The required and maximum cart quantity
  • The required and maximum cart amount
  • The required and maximum product quantity
  • Products in the cart
  • Products not in the cart
  • Products of specific categories in the cart
  • Products of specific categories not in the cart
  • Notice start date
  • Notice end date and time
  • Show to specific user roles
  • Display for all or specific countries
Require: This defines when the message should be displayed Maximum: This defines when the message should stop displaying