Elementor Connector Usage


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Elementor Connector can be used in two different scenarios depending on which plugin is used: To design standard pages, and to design single product pages. Please note that all widgets developed by WPExtend, will have a semi-transparent WPExtend logo in the top right-hand corner.

Using Elementor Connector on Single Pages 

Certain widgets may be added to standard pages, depending on the associated plugin. To add a widget:

  • Navigate to Pages > All Pages
  • Locate the page to edit: Hover over page title and select “Edit with Elementor”
  • In the Elementor widget panel, locate the widget to be used (e.g. Cart Notices)
  • Drag the selected widget to a desired space on the Elementor editor
  • Select Update to save the layout

Using Elementor Connector on Product Pages – Standalone Widgets

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Some widgets are specifically designed for use on single product pages. To use these widgets:

  • Navigate to Templates > Add New
  • Select Single Product template
  • Use a template name that will identify it as your unique product template
  • Select Create Template
  • In the Elementor template editor, locate and add the desired widget (e.g. Product Documents)

Using Elementor Connector on Product Pages – Extending Existing Widgets

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Plugins may offer additional options for existing widgets instead of standalone widgets. To utilize these options:

  • Navigate to Templates > Add New
  • Select Single Product template
  • Use a template name that will identify it as your unique product template
  • Select Create Template
  • In the Elementor template editor, locate and add the Add to Cart widget 
  • In the Style Tab, locate the panel containing the extra options (e.g. Product Options)