Estimated Delivery Date & Time for WooCommerce

The Estimated Delivery Date & Time extension enables you to show expected delivery time on the shop, product, cart, and checkout page. You can add cities and states to display different delivery times for them. Option to display separate delivery times for backorder and out-of-stock products.


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  1. Download .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. At the Admin Panel, go to Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded after purchase.
  3. Install  and Activate the extension.
More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

How to Configure?

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To start the configurations for this extension, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Estimated delivery time at the admin panel and click the “All Rules” tab. WooCommrece estimtaed delivery date and time

All Rules

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In the “All Rules” tab, you can see all the existing rules you created and you can easily edit/delete any rule from here. WooCommrece estimtaed delivery date and time

Add New Rule

Click “Add New Rule(s)” to create a new rule. WooCommrece estimtaed delivery date and time Now name this rule and select the products, variations, categories, or Whole Shop you want to apply this rule. WooCommerce estimated delivery date and time Then configure the estimated delivery time range in days/months for selected products. WooCommerce estimated delivery date and time You have option to add the cities/states by checking the “Set Estimated time for specific Cities/States?” option. You can add multiple cities/states by clicking “Add Cities/States & Time” button and set their estimated delivery time respectively. WooCommerce estimated delivery date and time Note: You have to add the cities/states firstly from the general settings (WooCommerce>General Settings>Add Cities/States) before adding the cities/states in a rule. Now specify the estimated delivery time message for in-stock, out-of-stock, and back-order products. You can use the shot-code “[time_of_delivery] ” in these messages to display the delivery time set by you above. You can leave the out-of-stock message empty if you don’t want to display estimated delivery time for out-of-stock products. WooCommerce estimated delivery date and time

General Settings

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Click the “General Settings” tab for general configurations. Here you will find the two sub-tabs “Display Settings” and “Add City/States“.

Display Settings

From this tab, you can enable/disable the display of estimated delivery time on the shop, product, cart, and checkout page and customize the message colors.You can also set the label of City/State select box for the front-end. WooCommerce estimated delivery date and time

Add City/States

Click “Add City/States” button add multiple text fields and specify cities/states names you want to display estimated delivery time for them. The cities/states you will add here will be displayed in a rule. WooCommerce estimated delivery date and time