Express Checkout for WooCommerce

Getting Started Welcome to the Express Checkout Support Page for WooCommerce. Learn the basics of installing and using the Express Checkout plugin on WooCommerce Once you’ve purchased Express Checkout for WooCommerce, you can download the plugin from your confirmation email or WooCommerce account. To install it, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload
  2. Select the ZIP file you just downloaded
  3. Click Install Now, and then Activate
After you install and activate Express Checkout it’s ready but some minor settings need to be adjusted if you want the checkout experience to match your branding. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Express Checkout to customize your checkout experience. Technical Edit files in an upgrade-safe way using overrides. Copy the template into a directory within your theme named /woocommerce/express-checkout keeping the same file structure but removing the /templates/ subdirectory. Example: To override the admin order notification, copy: wp-content/plugins/express-checkout-for-woocommerce/templates/woocommerce/express-checkout/cart/cart.php to wp-content/themes/yourtheme/woocommerce/express-checkout/cart/cart.php The copied file will now override the WooCommerce default template file.