Geolocation Based Product Filter for WooCommerce


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Geolocation based product filter for WooCommerce allows merchants to block products, categories, CMS pages or entire website for specific region or countries.

Configurations of GeoIP Based Product Filter

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Add the Rules to Create Filter

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At the backed, go to GeoIP Ultimate Lock  and add a new rule to create the filter.

geolocation plugin for woocommerce

Choose the Location You Want to Block

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You can block the whole region or specific countries.

geolocation plugin for woocommerce

Hide Specific Products

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You can hide specific products for any country or region.

geolocation plugin for woocommerce

Hide Specific Categories

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You can hide specific categories as well from the blocked users.

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Hide CMS Pages

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Choose the CMS page of your eCommerce website you want to hide from blocked users.

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Block Entire Website

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You can also block the entire website for blocked country or region.

geolocation plugin for woocommerce

Customize Message for Blocked Users

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Customize the message to display on your website to the blocked users.

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Redirect Blocked Users to Any URL

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You can also redirect the blocked visitors to another URL that is related to them.

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IP Exception List

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Add IPs of customers in the IP exception list to unblock them.

geolocation for woocommerce