Hide Price & Add to Cart Button

Setup and Configuration

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Create multiple rules:

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WooCommerce Hide Price & Add to Button extension empowers you to create multiple rules to hide price for the guests, registered customers and for specific user roles.

Creating Hide Price & Add to Cart Rule:

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While creating new rule you can configure the following options,
  • Provide custom rule title
  • Choose to hide for registered or guest customers
  • Specify rule priority
  • Select user roles if you want to hide for specific user roles only (Leave empty to apply on all registered customers)
  • Select countries if you want to hide for specific countries only (This extension uses a free API service to detect customer location from his/her IP address)
  • Select and specify products to hide their price and/or add to cart button
  • Select category
  • Select if you want to hide price
  • If yes, specify the text you want to display (Leave empty to show nothing)
  • Specify if you want to hide add to cart button
  • Replace add to cart button with a new one (provide button text and link)
  • If you don’t want to show a button select the contact 7 form and the form will be displayed in the popup on front end

Hide Price for Guest/Non-logged in Users:

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If you need hide prices for guest users please select the guest users from the dropdown.

Hide Price for Registered Users & Specific Roles:

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In order to hide prices for guests and registered users, you would need to create 2 rules. One for the guest users and one for registered customers.