iVeri Lite Payment Gateway

The iVeri Lite Payment Gateway is a plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to accept payment through South African payment gateway iVeri. The extension works by giving customers to option to pay via iVeri and then redirecting them to iVeri to make payment.

Note: This product has been retired and is not for sale. Documentation is no longer being updated.


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  • Unzip and upload the plugin’s folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the extension through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  • Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payment Gateways to configure the extension.


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You need to have an iVeri account and Nedbank merchant account to make use of this payment gateway, all this can be obtained through iVeri. iVeri will provide you with an application ID for development and live environment.

Configure the iVeri Lite Gateway

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  • To configure the payment gateway go to WooCommerce -> Settings and click the Payment Gateways tab.
  • Click on the iVeri link to configure the payment gateway.
  • You will see the following settings:
    • Enable/Disable – This will enable or disable the payment gateway on your store.
    • Title – This is the text the customer will see at checkout to select the gateway to pay with.
    • Description – A short description presented to the customer at checkout when choosing iVeri.
    • Application ID – Your unique application ID received from iVeri. Please note that you need to use the test application ID should you wish to do test transactions. Once your store goes live you need to switch to a live application ID.
    • Send Debug Emails – Check to receive debug emails whenever a payment is made.
    • Who Receives Debug E-mails – The email address of who will receive the debug emails, if left blank the wordpress email address will be used.

Test Credit Card Details

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For testing purposed you need to use your test application ID. You can use the following credit card numbers to test, just set the expiry date in the future. A list of test credit card numbers may be downloaded from iVeri