Installing the theme is a very simple process. Go to your
WordPress dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add new and upload the zip file.
Once uploaded just click on the
Activate button. That’s it! You can now start creating pages.
In order to install the theme manually, or in case you have trouble installing it through the admin panel, you have to unzip the WordPress theme’s zip file on your computer, and upload via FTP the resulting theme folder inside the archive file, into your WordPress installation themes folder (wp-content/themes). Then, from the WordPress admin go to
Appearance > Themes. The theme should be available in your themes list. Click
After the theme activation you will need to install the plugins required by the theme.
- WooCommerce: (required) WooCommerce is the world’s most popular open-source eCommerce solution. You must have this plugin installed. Check how to setup it here.
- MaxSlider: MaxSlider is probably the easiest way to add a custom responsive slider to any page of your website.
- GutenBee: A free set of awesome Gutenberg blocks and advanced capabilities.
- One Click Demo Import: (recommended) Help you import dummy content and replicate the live demo. The plugin can be deactivated and deleted after the demo content is imported.
- Jetpack: (recommended) Security, performance, and site management: the best way to WordPress is with Jetpack. You will use this plugin to add Contact Form, Widget visibility and several other enchantments that might appear in the theme demo
If you like what you see in our demo website, you can simply import the sample content. This means that a close approximation of our demo website will be imported in your WordPress installation. Now all you have to do is simply replace the content of these pages with your content.
- In your WordPress dashboard visit Plugins > Add New.
- Search for One Click Demo Import and Install the plugin.
- Activate it.
Please note: Due to the nature of the import mechanism some links may link back to our demo website. If you are not sure how to update / change these links simply get in touch and we’ll help you out.
First you will need to download the Sample Content archive file for Miniature by clicking
here. Extract the file like described
here for MacOS and
here of Windows PC. We are going to import these files using the One Click Import free plugin.
Don’t forget to activate all required plugins first. This will ensure the sample content can be properly installed.
After activating the plugin navigate to Appearance
> Import Demo Data. In this section add:
- Add your content.xml from your sample content archive.
- Add your widgets.wie from your sample content archive.
- Add the customizer.dat from your sample content archive.
- Import the content
This might take a few minutes depending on your server configuration.
This guide can help you troubleshoot import errors.
Web page loading times are greatly affected by the size of your images. For best results make sure to use images with the recommended minimum dimensions as described below:
Main thumbnail: 1005x670px
Miniature item: 615x410px
Miniature item large: 1350x900px
Miniature article media: 510x510px
Miniature minicart item: 160x160px
Product images
Thumbnail image width: 750px and unlimited in height
Single image width: 560px and unlimited in height
Gallery thumbnail image width: 150px and unlimited in height
Please note: If for any reason you want to change the dimensions of any of the predefined image sizes you have to use a plugin. This guide describes this process.

Customize > Header you will find customization options for the theme’s header section. Here you can toggle the sticky menu, the search bar and the account & minicart icons. You can also customize the header’s background color, image and text color.
The section of the header which contains the logo can be configured under
Customize > Site Identity.

Here you can set your site’s logo, title and tagline. The site title and tagline can be hidden globally by unticking the corresponding boxes. Finally a site icon can be set here.
Top bar
The top bar works complementary to the header and allows you to add some general info which will be useful to your customers. There are three content areas which can host plain text, HTML, or shortcodes. On the theme’s demo the left content area informs customers about a free shipping offer and the right one provides them with a telephone number in case they need to contact the store. The top bar can be disabled altogether if not needed.
The theme’s color scheme can be fine-tuned under
Customize > Site Options > Colors. You can modify the body background color & image, the theme’s primary color along with the text, form and button colors. Under
Customize > Site Options > Typography you can pick the perfect primary, secondary and page title font for your site among a huge selection of Google Fonts, additionally you can modify the font properties of headings and widgets. Font properties can be independently configured for desktops, tablets and mobiles.
If you are not familiar with WordPress menus
here is a detailed guide.
Navigate to
Customize > Menus. Enter a menu name (It can be anything you like) and click on the Create Menu button. In the next page click the Add Items button and start adding items to the menu. Now all you have to do is assign this menu to a location through the Menu Locations section, check the Main menu location and you are done. Your navigation menu should be now visible on your website.
The demo’s menu is set to be sticky under
Customize > Header.
Create a menu button
You can create a special button-like menu item by setting a certain class for to it. The class name is
nav-button and you can set it under
Appearance > Menus for the item you want. First enable this section from
Screen Options.

The footer area is a standard 4-column widgetized area that can be populated with widgets under
Customize > Widgets, from Footer 1st column to 4th column. Leaving a footer widget area blank will automatically remove it from the footer. The footer’s colors and content can be modified under
Customize > Footer. If the footer is not desired it can also be toggled entirely.
Create a new page under
Pages > Add New, set to it the
Full width boxed template from the
Page Attributes metabox on the right hand sidebar and from the
Page Settings metabox remove the top/bottom content padding and hide the page title/subtitle. Next proceed to the content.

The page starts with a Cover block which has its alignment set to full. Inside it we find two Heading blocks and a Button block, all three have their alignment set to center.
Next up we have a Group block with the
Pull up style applied to it and a background color set. Inside we have a Columns block with 4 equal columns. Each column contains a Heading and a Paragraph. Right after the group block we have a 50px tall spacer.

Next up we have a Columns block with two equal columns. Each one contains a Featured Category block. For the block to work properly you will need to set up the Product Category’s thumbnail and description under
Products > Categories.

Following the columns block we have another 50px Spacer. Next is a Heading, a Paragraph and an On Sale Products block which displays 8 products in a 4 column layout. Closing out the section is another 50px Spacer.

Next up we have two Columns blocks with two equal columns each. Each column contains a Cover block with the content alignment set to bottom left, a background image set, a minimum height of 250px and the opacity set to 40%. Inside each cover block we have a Heading, a Paragraph and a Button. After the second Columns block instance we have a 50px tall Spacer.
Closing up the homepage we have a group block, just like the one at the top of the page, the difference between them is that this one has the
Push Down style applied. The layout of its content is the same as before.
This page is automatically created and set as your product listing page by WooCommerce upon the plugin’s activation and during the onboarding procedure.
You can control the appearance of the shop and product category listings under
Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog. Here you can select whether you want to show categories as items in your shop and product category pages as well as the column and row number for each page.

You can modify the layout of the shop page by picking your preference among the four available ones: Content/Sidebar, Sidebar/Content, Full width boxed, Full width narrow. An alternative image can be displayed when a product is hovered and the sale badge can display the percentage of discount instead of just the “Sale” text. You can choose to display one or two columns for the mobile product listing and finally you can customize the number of up-sells, related and cross-sells displayed.
Create a new page under
Pages > Add New, set to it the
Full width boxed template from the
Page Attributes metabox on the right hand sidebar and from the
Page Settings metabox hide the page title/subtitle. Next proceed to the content.

The page’s content consists of a Media & Text block which shows the media on the right, it has a text and background color set. In the text area we have a Heading and a Paragraph block.
Next we have a Columns block with three columns, the first and third are empty and have their width set to 20%. The middle one contains a 50px Spacer and a few Headings and Paragraphs which make up the content.
This is your posts page. Create a new page and set it as your posts page under
Customize > Homepage Options.
Create a new page under
Pages > Add New, set to it the
Full width boxed template from the
Page Attributes metabox on the right hand sidebar and from the
Page Settings metabox hide the page title/subtitle. Next proceed to the content.

The content starts out with a Columns block with the width of the left column set to 30%. In the left column we have a Heading, a couple of Paragraphs and a Social Icons block. In the right column we have a Heading, a Paragraph and a Form block (provided by Jetpack) which serves as the site’s contact form.
You can modify the appearance of the single product gallery under
Customize > WooCommerce > Single Product. There are four options to choose between. The default which displays the featured image and below it the gallery thumbs, the List which displays all images one below the other, and the thumbnails left/right layouts which display the featured image with the gallery thumbnails to its left or its right.
The theme provides special widget areas for your Blog posts and archives, pages and shop.
You can use a plugin/module like Jetpack’s widget visibility to hide or show widgets for certain pages or posts or products.
For any CSS changes you could use the
Additional CSS feature available through the Customizer. If you need to make template modifications or prefer to use a child theme,
you can download it from this link.
BEFORE PROCEEDING – We recommend backing up your theme, files and database before starting to update. If you have made changes in the theme’s files and you don’t have a child theme, your changes will be lost!
Download the latest version of the theme and navigate to the theme selection page under
Appearance > Themes in your WordPress dashboard. Click on the
Add New button to begin the process.

In the next screen click on the
Upload Theme (1) button and select your new theme archive (zip) file
(2). Next click on the
Install Now (3) button.

Wait until the theme is uploaded and when prompted select to replace the current version of the theme with the uploaded one.
That’s it! This will update Miniature to the latest version.