Multi-currency: add/edit order currency

Case A: adding a new order (WooCommerce – Orders – Add New)

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  1. The currency selector shows the currency that is currently active at frontend.
  2. If you want to create order in a different currency, select it and click the “Create” button. I’d recommend doing it in any case, to record the currency setting of the order.
  3. Now, you can add the item(s): Add Product – Type its name – Select from the List – click Add.
  4. The products should appear in the order with the correct price and currency symbol
  5. In some cases (several edits of the items, especially with taxes) you might need to press the Recalculate button to see the correct Total.
  6. Click Update to save the order

Case B: editing an existing order

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  1. The currency selector shows the currency of the order, whether it was created manually or as a result of a customer’s purchase.
  2. You can select a different currency and click Update, however it will only change the currency symbols leaving the amounts intact!

To fix the amounts, you need to add the products again and remove those with wrong amounts.