Next Order Reward for WooCommerce

Increasing sales is the primary goal of all online stores. To achieve this, you need to ensure that you’re getting repeat purchases from your customers. Offering a discount coupon on thank you page can motivate your customer to make repeat purchases. By doing this you will be establishing a relationship of trust and loyalty with your potential customers and in turn, this will boost your sales and increase your revenue. At that initial stage of launching a new website, you should not be worried about revenue or profit, you should however be worried about Repeat Purchase Rate. Next Order Reward for WooCommerce plugin is designed for online stores who are worried about repeat purchase rate and looking for ways to encourage customers to buy more products on their website. A good repeat purchase rate confirms you’re doing a great job of providing value to your customers. If you don’t have a repeat purchase strategy in place, a first purchase could be just a one-time purchase, and nothing more. This is exactly why the repeat purchase rate is so valuable to you as an online store.


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  • Easy customization options
  • 2 coupon display options (within thank you page content and Popup)
  • Set custom title and description on thank you page.
  • Mobile responsive.
  • Configure repeat purchase coupon popup background and text color.
  • Send repeat purchase coupon code to customer via email.

How to Customize the Next Order Reward

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Customizing the Next Order Reward is very easy. You simply need to go to the WooCommerce > Settings > Next Order Reward, and from there, you can configure coupon prefix, coupon discount percentage, coupon expiry, thank you page content, text color, popup content, background color, visibility, etc.

Next Order Reward – Popup Discount Coupon

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Encourage Repeat Purchases - Popup Discount Coupon

Next Order Reward – Content Discount Coupon

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Encourage Repeat Purchases - Content Discount Coupon

Next Order Reward – Discount Coupon Email

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Encourage Repeat Purchases - Discount Coupon Email

Next Order Reward – Settings

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Encourage Repeat Purchases - Settings  


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This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Download the `` file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose File and select this file.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.
Once installed and activated, a Next Order Reward tab appears in your WooCommerce Settings. You can find more information at Installing and Managing Plugins.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How it works?

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When a customer lands on a thank you page after making a purchase, this is the time when you can offer them a discount coupon for the next purchase. This will entice them to make the purchase again on your online store.

How does it help to increase revenue?

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It helps you to motivate your customer to make repeat purchases and establish a relationship of trust and loyalty with your customers and in turn, this will boost your sales and increase your revenue.