
The Nochex extension for WooCommerce allows you to take payments using a secure Nochex payment page via a customer’s Nochex account or credit card. You can sign up for a Nochex Merchant Account here:

Note: This product has been retired and is not for sale. Documentation is no longer being updated.


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  1. Unzip and upload the plugin’s folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the extension in Plugins WordPress menu.
  3. Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Gateways > Nochex to configure the plugin.
To learn more about installing and managing plugins, see Managing and Installing Plugins.

Setup and Configuration

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In the Nochex settings, you need to enter your Merchant ID – if you do not know what this is you should contact Nochex support. You also need to enter an order description, title, and payment gateway description. These are bits of text that may appear during your customer’s checkout process. The order description may appear on the Nochex pay page, and the title and gateway description will be the title and description of the payment option within WooCommerce. You have options when enabling Nochex, APC logging (recommended), test mode (if you are still developing your website), and hiding the billing details on the Nochex pay page, which optionally ensures that you have proper billing details entered during the checkout process.  
Nochex settings.


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There are no credit card fields on the checkout page, how do I enable this?

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Nochex will take customers to their own secure pay page to enter credit card information or give the option to pay with a Nochex account. Due to this credit card data is not entered on your own website.

Does Nochex support subscriptions?

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At this time the Nochex gateway does not support WooCommerce Subscriptions.

Do I need an SSL certificate?

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Because customers will make all payments on Nochex pay pages you do not need your own SSL certificate.