
PayEx for WooCommerce allows you to take payments via PayEx, a leading Scandinavian online payment service provider, using these currencies:

  • Danish Krona
  • Euro
  • Norwegian Krona
  • Swedish Krona
The user is taken to PayEx to make a secure payment, then back to your store and shown the Thank You page.
Note: This product has been retired and is not for sale. Documentation is no longer being updated.


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  • A PayEx account
  • An SSL certificate
In live mode, SSL must be enabled to use PayEx. Read more about SSL and WooCommerce here:


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  • Purchase and download the plugin zip file from
  • Login to your WordPress Admin. Click on Plugins | Add New from the left hand menu
  • Click on the “Upload” option, then click “Browse” to select the zip file from your computer. Once selected, press “OK” and press the “Install Now” button.
  • Activate the plugin.

Setup and Configuration

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  • Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > PayEx.
  • Select and enter:
    • Enable/Disable  – checkbox for this gateway.
    • Title – allows you to determine what your customers will see this payment option described as on the checkout page.
    • Description – controls the message that appears under the payment fields on the checkout page.
    • Account Number – Requested from PayEx.
    • Encrypted Key – Requested from PayEx.
    • Purchase Operation – The way that purchases are handled. Authorization means a 2-step transaction (where you as a merchant approve/authorize each payment) if the payment method allows this. Sale means a 1-step purchase.
    • Language – The language in which the page will be opened when the customer is redirected to PayEx.
    • Test Mode – Activate this feature if you want to make purchases against PayEx test environment.
    • Debug – If this option is checked then details of communication with PayEx are stored in a debug log at location /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/logs/payex.txt.
    • Save changes.

PayEx settings

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To get the payment gateway working as expected you have to make some settings changes in your PayEx account.

Transaction callback

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To enable the communication between PayEx and your store, you need to specify a Callback URL.
  • Click on Merchant Profile in the left hand menu.
  • Callback method – choose URL
  • Transaction callback URL/Mail – (in test mode http will work instead of https)
  • Press Save.

Create an Encryption Key

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Instructions about how to create an Encryption key. This key should be entered in your WooCommerce PayEx settings.
  • Click on Merchant Profile in the left hand menu.
  • Click on New encryption key.
  • Click on Save encryption key.
  • Press Save.
  • PayEx recommends replacing the Encryption key at least once a year.

IP filter

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In production you need to specify your servers IP-address to be able to make API-calls against PayEx. This is not needed against the test environment.
  • Click on Merchant Profile in the left hand menu.
  • Enter your server IP-address.
  • Press Save.
Remember that it can take up to 15 minutes before the changes take effect.

Technical information

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For more information about PayEx technology, see the Integration manual here: