PayU India Payment Gateway

PayU India Payment Gateway

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PayU India is a gateway plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to take payments via PayU. PayU cooperates with Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards and Debit cards. This means that you easily can take credit card payments as well as direct payments via any of the associated banks. When the order goes through, the user is taken to PayU to make a secure payment. No SSL certificate is required on your site. After payment the order is confirmed and the user is taken to the thank you page.
Note: This product has been retired. Documentation is no longer being updated.


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To install PayU India:
  1. Download the extension from your dashboard
  2. Upload the woocommerce-gateway-payu-in folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate ‘WooCommerce PayU India Gateway’ from the Plugins menu within WordPress
  4. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Gateways > PayU India to configure

How to Use

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You must have an active merchant account with PayU India in order to make use of this plugin.

Configure the Gateway

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To configure the plugin, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Gateways. You should see “PayU India” as an option at the top of the screen. Click PayU India to see the settings:
  • Enable/Disable – Enable or disable the payment method.
  • Title – Lets you set the title of the gateway shown on the checkout.
  • Description – Lets you set the description shown on the checkout when a user selects the gateway.
  • Merchant ID – Your PayU India merchant ID (required)
  • SALT – String of characters provided by PayU India (required)
  • Credit Card – Enable Credit Card payment method tab pre-select on the Checkout page
  • Debit Card – Enable Debit Card payment method tab pre-select on the Checkout page
  • Net Banking – Enable Net Banking payment method tab pre-select on the Checkout page
  • EMI – Enable EMI payment method tab pre-select on the Checkout page
  • COD – Enable COD payment method tab pre-select on the Checkout page
  • Test Mode – Enable this if you are using a developer/test account from PayU India.  Be sure to disable this prior to going live.

Test Transactions

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To perform test transactions, enable Test Mode as described above and supply the test account names as needed. You must also request test card numbers from PayU India.


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Note that PayU will only take payments in Indian Rupee.


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If you receive an error code, please reference the PayU documentation on the various error codes here: PayU Error Codes