Peach Payments

The Peach Payments extension for WooCommerce is a South African payment gateway that allows merchants to access to all relevant payment methods, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, mobile wallets, electronic wallets and mobile operator billing to help them succeed in the emerging markets.

  • Secure card storage
  • Fully supports WooCommerce Subscriptions (separate purchase)
  • 3DSecure ready
  • PCI Compliant
Note: This product is no longer for sale at You can find it at WC Peach Payments Gateway. Documentation is not being updated.


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  • A Peach Payments Merchant Account.
  • A WooCommerce store with “South African Rand ( R )” as the currency.

Sign up with Peach Payments

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Contact Peach Payments at to set up a merchant account for your company/website. Peach Payments will assist you in the application process with the respective banks. Please note that the merchant account application process may take up to 4 weeks depending on the bank. Get in touch as soon as possible to avoid delays in going live.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go toWordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.
More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

Setup and Configuration

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Upon setting up your merchant account with Peach Payments you will receive TEST and LIVE access credentials. You will need to insert these details on the Peach Payments gateway settings page under “WooCommerce settings”. Use your TEST credentials for testing prior to going live.

Testing the payment gateway

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  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Peach Payments.
  2. Change the “Transaction Mode” to “Integrator Test” mode.
  3. Enter Peach Payments TEST access credentials into the “Sender ID”, “Channel ID” and “3DSecure Channel ID” fields. You would have received these after registering with Peach.
  4. Save changes.

Sandbox Testing

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Now test the payment gateway by purchasing a product on your website using the Peach Payment Test Cards (the Test Card numbers provided in this system can be used to test the various components of your integration).
  • Peach Payments Test Cards – These cards are to be used when testing on the Peach Payments platform in the INTEGRATOR TEST mode only.
  • NedBank Test Cards. Please use these test cards when testing in the CONNECTOR TEST mode.
  • Bankserv Test Cards – These cards are used to test your 3DSecure integration workflows.
Some of these cards will work on the Peach Payments platform in the INTEGRATOR_TEST mode and some will return an error (100.100.101). Please ignore the error and continue to test your workflows.

Peach Payment Test Cards

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Note: Card associations that are available to you depends on the country you do business in, please contact Peach for more information.
  • VISA
    • Number: 4012888888881881 or 4111111111111111
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
    • Number: 4012888888881881
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
    • Number: 5105105105105100
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
    • Number: 6011587918359498
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
  • AMEX
    • Number: 311111111111117
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
    • Number: 6799851000000032
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
  • SOLO
    • Number: 6334580500000000
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
    • Number: 4111111111111111
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123

Nedbank Test Cards

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  • VISA
    • Number: 4242424242424242
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
    • Result: Authorised
    • Number: 5454545454545454
    • Expiry: Any future date
    • Verification: 123
    • Result: “Unable to Process” or timeout
  • All other card numbers:
    • “Invalid card number”

Bankserv (3DSecure) Test Cards

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    • Number: 5221266361111726
    • Expiry: 12/2014
    • CVV: 123
    • Password: test123
    • Enrolled Status: Y
    • Authentication Status: Y
  • VISA
    • Number: 4012080132003002
    • Peach System Status: Invalid Card (Error 100.100.101)
  • VISA
    • Number: 4341793000000034
    • Peach System Status: “Authorized”
  • VISA
    • Number: 4501155117901011
    • Peach System Status: Invalid Card (Error 100.100.101)
    • Number: 5221266361111726
    • Peach System Status: “Authorized”
    • Number: 5221008360178290
    • Peach System Status: Invalid Card (Error 100.100.101)
    • Number: 5506750000000149
    • Peach System Status: “Authorized”

Live Mode

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  1. After testing the gateway with the Peach Payment test cards, go back to “WooCommerce >> Settings” and select the “Checkout” tab.
  2. Set the “Transaction Mode” to “Live”.
  3. Replace your TEST access credentials in the “Sender ID” and “Channel ID” fields with your LIVE access credentials.
  4. Click “Save changes”.
WooCommerce Settings


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I’m getting a message about SSL not being enabled.

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Peach Payments does not require you to have an SSL certificate, because card details are only ever submitted to Peach Payments through SSL. However, some browsers may deliver a warning message when the connection changes between your non-SSL WooCommerce shop and the Peach Payments card entry form. For this reason, we recommend that you get an SSL certificate. You do not, however; need to deal with sorting out PCI compliancy, as this all on handled on the Peach Payments side.

Test card should be authorized but I get the message: “Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/merchant has declined your transaction.”

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This might be caused by the fact that you are using an older version of the Peach Payments extension. Make sure that your Peach Payments extension has been updated and that you have the latest version. Then try using the test card again to see if it works.

Visa card, Master card, American Express or other card not working.

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If a particular card brand is not working, make sure that you have enabled it using the “Supported Cards” field in the WooCommerce Checkout Settings for Peach Payments.

Questions & Support

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Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch the developer via the Help Desk.