Pinit for WooCommerce

What are Rich Pins ?

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When a user pins a product image from “Rich Pin” enabled shopping cart ; along with the image; Rich pin will also send actionable information to Pinterest. For Products actionable information will include Price, availability etc.. This info will be published along with the image on Pinterest Board

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More Info on rich pins is available

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Here is how Rich Pin looks like:

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Why Rich Pins? Rich pins are the first step toward solving the problem of actionable, targeted discovery on Pinterest. Here’s how: Getting structured feeds from retailers enables Pinterest to build its database of products and things. Pinterest will now know the name, SKU, price, source, etc for millions of products. This sets the foundation for Pinterest to take on the current internet giants in Product and Image search. Pinterest is on the way to be the world’s leading Image Search Engine

How to make my product pages Rich pins enabled?

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Here are 6 steps:

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1)        Install  . It is available for $9 Here. The plugin will embed OGP Tags (Open Graph standard developed by Facebook) in your site’s Product detailed page . the following are Details on how to install the plugin;

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install the plugin package in the woocommerce  backend – Plugin Manager

1)        enable the plugin and config the basic option

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That’s all, you can find out the rich pin button in the Woocommerce front-end now.

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3 ) Create an account or login to pinertest on

4) On installing the plugin/extension Visit Pinterest Validation page . And paste any of your product URL to apply

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5) You will receive a message that “Your Pin’s been validated” Apply Now

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6) Proceed to apply .

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Site approved or disapproved by Pinterest as Rich Pin enabled:

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In about 4-5 working days you will receive an e-mail from Pinterest if your site is approved or disapproved.

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Alternatively you may visit page and paste detailed page product URL. If your site is approved It will have following message:

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“Congratulations! Your rich pins are approved and on Pinterest Your Woocommerce e-commerce shop is rich pin enabled”