Product Brands for WooCommerce

The Product Brands for WooCommerce plugin developed by WP1 allows your customer to view all brands on one page or as a brand carousel on the homepage. Customers can filter and view products by brands. You can designate a brand for all your products and display the brand name on the product detail page. A brand that guarantees quality generates trust for your ecommerce site and helps increase sales. With Product Brands for WooCommerce plugin you can organize your online shop and highlight the brands you have.


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  1. Download the `` file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.
More information at: Installing and Managing Plugins. Once installed and activated, you can see Brands menu under Products where you can add/edit brands.


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  • Create, edit, and delete any brand.
  • Display a brand carousel using a short code.
  • Set a name, description, and image for each brand.
  • Assign a brand to any product.
  • Add a short code to any page to display a list of all brands.
  • You can display brand name in product detail page.
With the Product Brands for WooCommerce plugin you can organize your online shop and highlight the brands you offer.

How to add a brand

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Add New Brand in Admin Area Brand Listing in Admin Area  

Use a short code to display brands carousel

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[product_brands_carousel show_name="true" col="5"]

Short code to display products by brand slug

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[products_by_brand col="4" brand="deeee"]

Short code to display all brands

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[product_brands col="4" hide_empty="0" show_name="true"]