Russian Post and EMS PRO for WooCommerce


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The extension depends on the Russian Post and EMS plugin to work properly. It is a free plugin that you need to download and install from plugin repository.


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  1. Download the extension from your WooCommerce dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded.
  3. Click Install Now, and then Activate.

Setup and Configuration

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To add synchronization with Russian Post dashboard, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Russian Post

Set token (you can get it in settings of your Russian Post dashboard) and key (you can  generate a new key here)

Creating a New Package

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After you finish with the API setup, order pages will have an additional box for sending data to the Russian Post dashboard. Creating a package takes two steps. First, the buyer’s address passes normalization and verification, then the order is sent to your personal account of the Russian Post. After a new package has been created, the identifier that was assigned to the package will be indicated in the Order notes box. If necessary (shipment options or order data has changed for example), the package can be sent again.

EKOM Method

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EKOM is a special shipping method that includes delivery points based on customer shipping city. To configurative additional settings for ECOM method, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Russian Post
  • VAT Rate – added as a parameter for goods list while creating a new shipping order for the Russian Post dashboard.
  • Database of Delivery Points – a list of pickup points is required for the EKOM shipping type. Click the Synchronize Pickup Points button to update the list manually.
  • Yandex Maps JavaScript API – provide API key if you want to let customers choose delivery points on the map.

COD Payment

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You can use the built-in payment method WooCommerce Cash on Delivery. The plugin will automatically recalculate the cost of delivery, regardless of the type of departure. For example, if EMS shipping is specified in the settings and the buyer chooses cash on delivery as the payment for the order, the plug-in will recalculate the shipping cost as EMS with the declared value and the COD service included
Please note that under the conditions of cash on delivery payment and API synchronization with your personal account, it is necessary to filled in UTP number in the Russian Post account settings .


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During the synchronization, you may encounter issues like not validated address or not supported services. If any issue happens you will see an error message in the Order Notes list. All errors and info message that sent by the plugin can be found in logs.
  1. Go to WooCommerce > Status > Logs.
  2. Select log file with russian-post prefix to check possible errors and messages
Error messages contain detailed info about what is not validated or should be added to fix the issue.