See You Later

See You Later has been retired. This documentation is intended for use by customers who previously purchased (and wish to continue using) See You Later.
See You Later is a premium Woo plugin that will add Maintenance Mode and Coming Soon features to your site. This plugin includes a handful of designed templates, social engagement features, a countdown timer and a newsletter subscription option.


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To install the See You Later plugin:

  1. Purchase the plugin.
  2. Then go to your Account Downloads page to download the plugin. This will save a .zip file to your computer.
  3. Next, install and activate the plugin.


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After installing the plugin, go to: Settings > See You Later in your wp-admin as shown in the screenshot example. See You Later Settings -> General Here you can:
  • Enable See You Later
  • Set the page title, message and optional footer text.
  • Set the Minimum User Rights, which will determine which user roles are able to access your site while See You Later is enabled. The default is set to the administrator role.
After updating, be sure to Save Changes. You will notice once you enable See You Later you will see a red banner for this while logged into the wp-admin in the top right corner (as shown in the settings screenshot above).

Look & Feel

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To customize the look and feel of your See You Later page go to the Settings > See You Later > Look & Feel option, as shown in the screenshot below. See You Later Settings -> Look & Feel Here you can:
  • Chose between the four theme options: Vanilla, Forrest, Placeholder, Ticket. Vanilla is the option by default.
  • Upload your Logo.
  • Upload a background image.
  • Chose the repeat for your background image: horizontally, vertically, or both.
  • Select the image position for your background image which is a combination of: Top, Bottom, Center, Left, Right or Middle.
Be sure to Save Changes after updating your options. Here are examples of each of the See You Later theme options:
Maintenance Mode Vanilla Theme
See You Later Vanilla Theme
Maintenance Mode Forrest Theme
See You Later Forest Theme
Maintenance Mode Placeholder Theme
See You Later Placeholder Theme
Maintenance Mode Ticket Theme
See You Later Ticket Theme

Countdown Clock

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You also have an option to add a Countdown Clock to your See You Later page. To do this, go to: Settings > See You Later > Countdown Clock option as shown in the screenshot below. See You Later Settings -> Countdown Clock Here you can:
  • Enable the Countdown Clock.
  • Add a heading for the Countdown Clock
  • Select the date and time to countdown to.
Note: Selecting the date and time is for the countdown clock only. You will still need to manually disable See You Later in order for your site to go live.
The time remaining is calculated using your site’s timezone as set in Settings > General Here is an example of the countdown clock with the Forrest theme:
Countdown Clock with the Forrest theme.
Countdown Clock with the Forrest theme.

Newsletter Option

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With See You Later, you also have the option to enable a ‘Subscribe to our Newsletter’ feature on your See You Later page. To do this, go to: Settings > See You Later > Newsletter option as shown in the screenshot below. See You Later Settings -> Newsletter Here you can:
  • Enable the Newsletter.
  • Add Newsletter Text.
  • Customize the newsletter button text.
  • Select the newsletter service to subscribe to, options include: Aweber, Campaign Monitor, FeedBurner, MadMimi or MailChimp.
  • Based on the newsletter service you select the final field will change accordingly. Examples are given for the setup of each.
Be sure to Save Changes after updating your options. Here is an example of the Ticket Theme with the Countdown Clock and Newsletter options enabled:
Maintenance Mode Ticket Theme with Countdown Clock and Newsletter Options enabled.
See You Later Ticket Theme with Countdown Clock and Newsletter Options enabled.

Social Media Links

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To enable social icons/links go to: Settings > See You Later > Social Links and select the Enable the Social Media Area option. See You Later Settings -> Social Links Here you have the option to include any of the following Social Media links which will then be linked to the appropriate icon for each: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn, RSS Feed, as well as an option to include an email address for your site visitors to contact you. Please use the setting examples to help insert the correct link/account info for each of the options.

Custom Code

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To add custom code to your See You Later page go to: Settings > See You Later > Custom Code as shown in the screenshot below. See You Later Settings -> Custom Code Here you can:
  • Add your Google Analytics ID.
  • Add Custom CSS.
  • Add HTML into the header or before the closing body tag.
To learn more on how to use Firebug to modify your WordPress theme CSS please see our tutorial: How to Use Firebug to Modify your Theme – Chrome and Safari have a similar tool already built-in. You can simply right click on any element on the See You Later page to get the CSS properties in the bottom right corner. Edit as you see fit, then copy the custom CSS into the Custom Code settings box (as shown above). After updating, be sure to Save Changes.

Default WordPress Services

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See You Later allow you to toggle the following WordPress services to enable/disable them while See You Later is enabled. See You Later Settings -> Toggle WP Services
  • Allow feeds when See You Later is active.
  • Allow trackbacks when See You Later is active.
  • Allow XML-RPC when in See You Later is active.
Don’t forget to Save Changes once you are finished updating your options!

Special Access

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The special access section allows you to grant access to your site using a secret URL, or via IP address or exclude certain pages on your site from showing the See You Later page. See You Later Settings -> Special Access Here you can:
  • Define a secret URL you can share with visitors to bypass the See You Later page.
  • Give access to your site based on visitor IP address to bypass the See You Later page.
  • Exclude certain pages on your from showing the See You Later Page.
The Exclude URL Pattern option takes a regular express to exclude certain pages from the See You Later page, for example to exclude the url you can simply enter shop into the field. To exclude multiple pages you can separate the pages with a pipe (|), example to exclude and and you can enter shop|cart|checkout into the field. For more details on advanced regular expression formulas see and Remember to Save Changes once you are finished making changes!