Shipping Locations Pro

Big News! 🎉 Coming soon in Elementor Connector: Unlock the Shipping Locations Pro Elementor widget! Show the available shipping zones or a list of locations on the front-end using Elementor.


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Shipping Locations Pro is an extension for WooCommerce that gives shop owners & administrators access to the full list of states/locations for all countries (rather than just a selected few). These states, in turn, can be further customised to meet the exact shipping requirements of the business without needing postcodes/zipcodes.

In summary, Shipping Locations Pro focuses on the following:

  • Provides an interface to create/edit/customize shipping locations (i.e. states/regions)
  • Gives full access to all states for all countries used in WooCommerce
  • Allows custom states to be used in shipping zones
  • Provides an easier checkout experience for customers by loading states in a dropdown field


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Once you’ve purchased Shipping Locations Pro, you can download the plugin from your confirmation email or WooCommerce account. To install it, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload
  2. Select the ZIP file you just downloaded
  3. Click Install Now, and then Activate

Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, navigate to WooCommerce > Shipping Locations to customize the available states on a per country bases. To use these states in a shipping zone, navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zones

More information at: Installing and Managing Plugins.

Documentation Overview

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Troubleshooting & Support

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Purchased Shipping Locations Pro and need assistance? If you’ve found an issue:

  1. Ensure you have the latest versions of all extensions and themes. Go to WooCommerce > System Status to check for plugin updates and other important information that may require your attention.
  2. Rule out a plugin conflict: Turn off all plugins except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Shipping Locations Pro. If the issue is resolved, find the plugin that triggers it by re-activating plugins one by one.
  3. Rule out a theme conflict. Activate Storefront, or a default WordPress theme such as TwentyTwenty and check if the issue still occurs. If it doesn’t, please contact your theme author(s).
  4. Read the most Frequently Asked Questions for possible solutions.
  5. Use the WooCommerce Self Service Guide.

If you followed these steps but the issue persists, get in touch with us via the Help Desk!