Smart Cart for WooCommerce

Smart Cart for WooCommerce shows a summary of all of the products that a customer has added to the cart, subtotal, shipping and a total price for the order, and a Proceed to Checkout button that directs customers to checkout page. It saves customers’ time help business to grow. When no products have been added, the empty cart page shows a Return to Shop link that takes customers back to view your products. You can edit the settings to match color scheme of your website.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New to upload the file you downloaded.
  3. Activate the extension.
Once installed and activated, a Smart Cart tab appears in your WooCommerce Settings. More information at: Installing and Managing Plugins.

How Smart Cart Works?

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Cart Items

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WooCommerce Smart Cart - Cart Items


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WooCommerce Smart Cart - Settings

Empty Cart

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WooCommerce Smart Cart - Empty Cart


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How to add cart link?

You just need to add rel="woocommerce-smart-cart" attribute to your cart link OR element. See below examples: <a rel="woocommerce-smart-cart">Cart</a> <div rel="woocommerce-smart-cart">Some text...</div>