UserVoice integration

UserVoice for WooCommerce gives you the ability to integrate your website with the UserVoice help desk and knowledge base service. This extension:

  • Allows users to log into your UserVoice account straight from their WordPress account, a process known as single sign-on or SSO.
  • Displays a handy feedback tab on your website so customers can leave support tickets without ever leaving your site.
  • Gives you the option not display information about users next to the tickets that they log on UserVoice, including account info and purchase history.
Note: This product has been retired. Documentation is no longer being updated.


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  • An Ultimate or Premium UserVoice account – to use the SSO feature


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.
More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

Setup and Configuration

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  1. On the plugin settings page you have access to the following options:
  • Enable/disable single sign-on (SSO). Once enabling this option follow the instructions on screen to set up SSO
  • Restrict SSO to only paying customers (useful if your store only offers premium support)
  • UserVoice URL. The URL of your UserVoice setup – this is required if you have SSO enabled.
  • UserVoice SSO key. Your account’s SSO key – this is required if you have SSO enabled.
  • UserVoice account name. This is found in your default UserVoice URL – this is required if you have SSO enabled.
  • Permission levels for users who will be signed into UserVoice as admins. Only change this if you are sure of what you are doing – UserVoice admins can respond to tickets as well as edit account details. Defaults to administrators only.
  • UserVoice feedback tab unique ID. This is required for you to be able to display the UserVoice feedback tab on your website – it can be found inside the feedback tab Javascript that UserVoice supplies. Do not paste the full Javascript in here – only the unique ID as described on the settings page.
  • Enable/disable WooCommerce gadget in UserVoice Inspector. This gadget will be displayed next to each ticket logged and will contain useful information about the user and their actions on your store. On the settings screen you can select which items are displayed in the gadget (for maximum benefit, it is recommended that you enable all of them).
  • API details for ticket overview page. These details are required for the ticket overview page to work – you will find your UserVoice API details if you go to Settings > Channels in your UserVoice admin console.


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The SSO login and feedback tab will work once all the settings are in place – no further input is required. To display the ticket overview page create a new page, and add this shortcode to it: [uservoice_tickets]. This page will show the logged in user a list of the tickets that they have submitted as well as give them the ability to view the entire ticket history including all meta data, replies and attachments.