WISDM Customer Specific Pricing for WooCommerce Changelog


  • Minor Bug Fixes.


  • Admin page UI/UX
  • Performance optimizations.

4.3.4 (Nov 27, 2019)

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  • Warning message on admin panels of some sites due to custom menu order.


  • Compatibility Testing with WC 3.8 & WP 5.3


  • Style conflict on the product pricing tab (CSP Settings Page) after WordPress 5.3 update.
  • UX issue preventing the addition of the new rule on the product page. (issue with the plugin all in one wp security)
  • The notice was shown while adding a product to the cart.


  • UI/UX on CSP “Seach by & Delete” admin page.
  • The position of the CSP Admin menu has been put closed to the products menu.
  • Added a hook to change the redirection after adding the product to the cart.
  • Added a filter to disable the file type check.


  • Compatibility with WordPress v5.2.4
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce v3.7.1


  • Fixed issue with the mini cart product multiplier.
  • Fixed the issue Issue when the sale price is stored as the comma-separated value in the database.
  • Fixed the display of Regular price text on the products without CSP.


  • Improvement in Import/Export Page


  • Minor Translation Issues resolved


  • Cart Discounts.
  • Compatibility with product tables.
  • An option to show a regular price on the product page with a message.
  • An option to display custom description text above the pricing table.
  • Progress status on the import page & report download option.


  • Moved the migration process in previous implementations to the upgrade hook from the activation hook.


  • Added a setting to hide “Product Total” which is displayed on “Product” page.


  • Customer-specific prices are now applicable when editing the saved manual order.
  • WISDM Customer Specific Pricing is now working as per the specified priorities for the role.
  • Role-based pricing rules were getting reset when ‘shop manager’ used to edit products. The issue is resolved in this update.
  • The issue with the manual orders when an Older Version of the WooCommerce is installed.
  • When the customer is logged in, products that are out of stock are now shown to be out of stock.


  • Added Compatibility with WordPress network setup (multisite).
  • Enabled to specify “Customer Specific Price” without specifying the “Regular Price”.
  • Enabled to apply “Customer Specific Price” on “Sale Price”.
  • Feedback tab on CSP’s setting page.


  • High server resource consumption during bulk import fixed. Improvement: Information tooltips with messages while keeping the qty field empty in CSP rules.


  • Compatible with WordPress 5.0.4 & WooCommerce 3.5.4


  • The issue with the JS code for Internet Explorer 11 and prior versions due to which prices for variable products were being displayed wrong.


  • Compatibility with WISDM Product Enquiry Pro plugin for Hiding the Prices for Non-logged in users.
  • Compatible with WordPress 5.0.2 & WooCommerce 3.5.3


  • The issue on WooCommerce order edit page.
  • Issue related to CSP price getting in the email after an order is placed or completed.


  • Added the capability to import/export the CSP by SKU.
  • Added the option to Enable Strikethrough
  • Added the capability to delete the CSP price from the ‘Search By & Delete’ tab.


  • An issue with WooCommerce backend order fixed.


  • Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8 & WooCommerce 3.5.1


  • Resolved issue with manual backend order quantity
  • Resolved issue with duplicate prices on category pages
  • Resolved issue with incorrect prices on shop page when the product was added to cart
  • Resolved issue with incorrect prices on the order details page


  • Compatible with WordPress 4.9.4 & WooCommerce 3.3.3
  • Quantity can be edited when editing rules


  • Resolved issue with edit rule when editing/updating records
  • Dashboard orders for single quantity
  • Exporting records issue


  • Updated licensing code
  • Compatible with WordPress 4.9.2 & WooCommerce 3.2.6


  • Added Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.0
  • Added Compatibility with WooCommerce’s Tax settings
  • Category Based Pricing
  • Category based pricing option included in the search results under the ‘Search By’ tab


  • ‘Pricing Manager’ tab renamed as ‘Product Pricing
  • Replaced placeholder for minimum quantity with by adding default minimum quantity for prices
  • ‘Search By’ option moved to the main tab of the plugin settings
  • Resolved the issue for restoring set prices when editing price rules.


  • Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0.0
  • Compatible with WooCommerce’s Tax settings


  • Quantity based pricing display
  • Remove all group-specific pricing records of a variable product
  • Update quantity deletes all records of the same user and min quantity
  • Creating Order from Dashboard not working


  • Updated license code


  • Set quantity based pricing from the product edit page and pricing manager.
  • Set quantity based pricing through CSV import.
  • Show a quantity-wise pricing table on a single product page.


  • Variable product price validations on clicking the save changes button.
  • Accept price according to WooCommerce currency options.


  • Apply the same rule to multiple customers, groups, and roles.
  • Improvements in the import functionality. Load time reduced.


  • Validation for a discount type.


  • Added an option to set percentage discounts.
  • Support to import percentage discounts using the CSV import feature. A percentage discount column has been added to the CSV format for the same.


  • Replaced the add new pair button with an additional icon.


  • The plugin made Translation Ready.


  • The CSP main menu page was not getting displayed due to licensing.
  • The warning message was displayed late while deleting a rule log without selecting the rule log.
  • From the edit product page the price Zero was not being set.
  • The CSP price pairs were not getting deleted for variable products when all records were removed for particular variation.
  • The attributes for the variable product were not getting displayed when generalized.


  • Changed the layout of a single view.


  • Improved the security for import and export features.


  • Single View Pricing Manager feature added
  • Made PSR2 Compatible


  • Added the Import/Export feature


  • Compatible with WordPress 4.2.3
  • Compatible with WooCommerce 2.4.4


  • User Role Specific Pricing feature added
  • Group-Specific Pricing feature added


  • Modified the Plugin upgrade flow


  • Plugin Released