Woo Bot for WooCommerce

Woo Bot is a fully configurable simple ChatBot that allows search for products quickly and easily for your customers. It helps online stores to convert abandoning visitors into customers. This ChatBot answers the questions intelligently and allows the owner to configure unanswered questions. The owner can configure the welcome message and respond to all unanswered questions. You can set offers or coupons in the welcome message which can attract visitors to purchase something on your online store. Woo Bot is a next-generation customer interaction platform that allows online stores to connect with their customers and automate customer service live chat conversations. Statistics show that Chat Bot increases conversion rate and 38% of customers say they are more likely to return to an online store that has a Chat feature (source: https://www.superoffice.com/blog/live-chat-statistics/). It increases customer engagement and satisfaction which results increase in sales.


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  • Open chat bot on exit intent
  • Product search
  • Product thumbnail in chat with link to product page
  • Chat icon configuration
  • Chat icon and background color configuration
  • Chat popup theme (dark / light) configuration
  • Chat popup background image configuration
  • Add responses in the backedn for commonly asked questions
  • New question email notifications
  • Simple shortcode for chat call to action
  • Track all chats with Chat Log


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How to install the plugin and get started.
  1. Download the woo-bot-for-woocommerce.zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose File and select this file.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.
Once installed and activated, a Woo Bot menu can be seen in your admin area. You can manage woo bot settings and responses from submenus under Woo Bot. You can find more information at Installing and Managing Plugins.

How to Customize the Woo Bot

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Customizing the Woo Bot is very easy. You simply need to go to the WooCommerce > Settings > Woo Bot, and from there, you can configure chat icon, theme, chat background image, welcome message, fallback message, email notification for a new question.


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Customers can see the chat icon at the bottom right corner of your website. Once click on the chat icon customers can see the chat popup and start a conversation. All conversations saved in the backend and Admin can track all chats.

Plugin Setup – Backend

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Woo Bot - Plugin Setting

Response Listing – Backend

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Woo Bot - Response Listing

Add / Edit Response – Backend

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Woo Bot - Add / Edit Response

Chat Logs Listing – Backend

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Chat Logs Listing - Backend

Chat Conversation View – Backend

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Chat Conversation View - Backend

Chat Icon – Frontend

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Chat Icon - Frontend

Chat Conversation – Text

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Chat Conversation - Text

Chat Conversation – Product Search

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Chat Conversation - Product Search


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[wb_date] – returns the current date [wb_name] – returns the name user entered in chatboat [wb_option name=’OPTION NAME’] – You can create call to actions with wb_option shortcode. You just need to create a response with same name in backend. e.g. If option name is “Call Us” then the question will be “Call Us” and resopnse answer will “You can call us on XXX-XXX-XXXX”.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How it works?

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Woo Bot for WooCommerce helps you convert abandoning visitors into customers. Users can search products, get answers to the question they ask.

How woo boot exit-intent technology works?

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Its exit-intent technology tracks the movement of the cursor in real-time and opens the chat popup with an exit message. You can offer coupon code, with the purpose of convincing them not to leave the website.

How does it help to increase revenue?

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A chatbot is a second chance to bring the visitor one step closer to become a customer, which will increase your conversion rate and of course your revenue. When a chat bot is effective on your website, the conversion rate increases, even if you don’t have the optimized website.