Customers Report

This report can be found under WooCommerce > Customers.

The Customers Report provides insight into the customers of your store – where they live, when they may have registered, and how they’ve spent money.

Both registered customers and guests are shown in the report. If a guest checks out using the same email address more than once, their orders will be associated with each other (and they will be considered the same purchaser).

Customers Report Overview

Single Customer View

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This option loads the report for the customer you have selected.

Advanced Filters

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There are several filters available to the Customers Report:

  • Name
  • Country
  • Username
  • Email
  • Orders (count)
  • Total Spend
  • AOV (Average Order Value)
  • Registered
  • Last Active
Customers Report Advanced Filters

A special note about the Name, Username, Country, and Email filters:

Unlike the table search, these filters do not allow for a partial match on customers. Instead, they provide an easy way to filter the report down to specific names, countries, etc.

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The search control at the top of the report table provides a quick interface to filter the report to one or more specific customers, searching by name.

Customers Report Search

It also allows partial string matching on customer names.

Customers Report Search

Report Sorting

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The report table allows sorting by the following columns:

  • Name
  • Last Active
  • Sign Up
  • Orders
  • Total Spend
  • Country
  • City
  • Region
  • Postal Code

By default, the report shows the most recently active customers.

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Two of the report columns contain clickable entries:

  • Name – the link takes you to the customer’s profile otherwise accessible via Users > All Users
  • Email – clicking the link launches the default email client to email the customer