WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro vs Free

This comparison document takes a look how WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro ($79) compares to WooCommerce Google Analytics (free).

Google Analytics vs Pro Version

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General Info
  Free Pro
Basic Site Tracking ✔*
Universal Analytics
Enhanced eCommerce tracking
Supports Checkout Behavior Analysis
The Pro version of the plugin will track general site events and eCommerce events, so no other GA plugins are needed.
  Free Pro
Can exclude Admins from tracking
Can exclude shop managers from tracking
Use Enhanced Link Attribution
Can anonymize IPs?
Can track user IDs?
Can enable Google Optimize?
Display Advertising support
Tracking Dimensions
  Free Pro
Product viewed / clicked
Product add to cart
Product remove from cart
Cart quantity changed
Cart page viewed
Coupon added
Coupon removed
Checkout loaded
Provided Billing Email
Selected Payment Method
Checkout completed, goes to thank you page
Checkout completed, doesn’t go to thank you page
Manually (admin) created order completed
Customer sign in / out
Customer viewed account
Customer viewed order
Customer registered
Customer changed password
Product review or comment left
Order fully refunded*
Order cancellation
Customer email opened
*Google Analytics does not allow for partial refund tracking, so only fully refunded orders are included in refund tracking.

Have Questions?

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We’d be happy to help out with any pre-sales questions between these plugins. You can submit them here or via your WooCommerce account 🙂