WooPayments built in partnership with Stripe

WooPayments is built in partnership with Stripe. This document provides more information and an overview of how we work together.

When you sign up for WooPayments, you verify your personal and business information with Stripe. This creates a Stripe Express account that is connected to the WooPayments service. The Express account is what’s used in the background for managing your business account information and activity with WooPayments.

Who will provide support

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Our Happiness Engineers are here to help you set up and manage your store and usage of WooPayments. The support team will assist you with all payment processing issues and other operational questions, such as why one of your customer’s payments failed, or why a deposit has not been received.

Although our support staff should always be your initial contact, we may sometimes refer you to Stripe support when needed.

Access to the Stripe dashboard

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With WooPayments, you interact with your store’s transactions via a dashboard integrated into your WordPress administration area. WooPayments accounts do not have access to the Stripe Dashboard provided to standard Stripe accounts.

Updating account information

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Updating certain account information can only be done in the Stripe Express dashboard. The following account information can be updated there:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact information
  • Business information
  • Ownership details
  • Bank account
  • etc.

Existing Stripe Accounts

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Although WooPayments built in partnership with Stripe, it is not possible to connect an existing Stripe account to WooPayments. If you must use a pre-existing, regular Stripe account on your WooCommerce store, you should install our free Stripe extension to accomplish that. You can even use both WooPayments and the Stripe extension together.

Stripe agreement updates

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Occasionally, Stripe may update their Connected Account Agreement, which contains the terms you agreed to during the WooPayments signup process. If you wish to opt out of these terms, please contact support and request that we unlink your WooPayments account from your site.

Keep in mind that opting out in this way means that you will no longer be able to use WooPayments at all. Although your remaining account balance will still be deposited as per your usual schedule, you will not be able to:

  • Have customers place new orders via WooPayments
  • Refund any orders placed with WooPayments
  • Challenge disputes filed for WooPayments orders
  • Log into the WooPayments Stripe Express account
  • etc.

In short, opting out will effectively end your usage of WooPayments, after which you can delete the plugin from your site.