Translations (Localization)

When you install or update WooPayments, WordPress will automatically look for a translation file in your language and download it. Having said that, we have not yet translated WooPayments into every language. Here are the languages we support:

  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Dutch (Belgium)
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • English (Australia)
  • English (Great Britain)
  • English (United States)
  • French
  • French (Belgium)
  • French (Canada)
  • French (Switzerland)
  • German
  • German (Austrian)
  • German (Switzerland)
  • Italian
  • Italian (Switzerland)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Spanish

The sections below explain how to translate WooPayments strings into your own language if that does not occur automatically.

Why some strings are not being translated?

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You may see that some strings are not translated. Up-to-date translations are automatically downloaded for supported languages, but you can manually trigger an update by going to Dashboard > Updates and clicking on the button to update translations.

If the problem persists, you can try manually removing the current plugin translation files and reinstalling them like so:

  1. Use an FTP client to connect to your site.
  2. Browse to this directory: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-payments/languages/.
  3. Delete all files that have names starting with woocommerce-payments_*.
  4. Back in your site’s dashboard, go to Dashboard > Updates.
  5. Click on the button to update translations.

Can I translate WooPayments into my language?

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The language files for WooPayments can be found within this directory:


The default English language file is named woocommerce-payments.pot.

With a plugin like Loco Translate or an app like PoEdit, you can use the .pot file to create your own language translation files. For example, if you want a translation of the WooPayments extension in Dutch from the Netherlands, you would translate the strings and create the following translation files:

  • woocommerce-payments-nl_NL.po

Those two language files would then need to be moved into this directory:
