Affiliate Program For WooCommerce

What is Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Marketing?

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Affiliate Marketing is a process of earning commissions by promoting other people’s products. It incentivizes consumers to sell a product they like and earns a profit for each sale. The benefit is that payment is only made for actual sales, based on revenue sharing.

Plugin Setup and Configuration :

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Installation Guide:

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  1. Download the Affiliate Program For WooCommerce extension from your WooCommerce dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > and select the ZIP file you downloaded
  3. Click Install Now, and then Activate.
Alternatively, you can upload the Affiliate Program for Woocommerce plugin to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory. More info at: Installing WooCommerce and Installing Extensions.

Configuration and Settings:

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Setting up an affiliate feature on your WordPress website is not a tedious task anymore. You can enable this feature very easily with this amazing WooCommerce Affiliate Plugin. Follow the below steps to do a quick setup of the Affiliate Program for Woocommerce on your WordPress website. Upon activating the Affiliate program for WooCommerce, you will be redirected to a welcome screen. It explains the usage of plugins in the form of FAQs. You can also access the affiliate settings by navigating to:
Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate.

1. Enable/Disable Affiliate Program

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Plugin Provides this Setting to enable/disable the WordPress affiliate feature on your website. This checkbox must be enabled to use the features of this extension.

2. Affiliate Key Length

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Using this option you can set the length for your referral key, By default, it is set to 7. With the help of this setting, your affiliate customers will get a unique referral link. For eg: If you have set the affiliate key length to 7 then there will be 7 digits in your affiliate key:

3. Affiliate Key Name

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Enter the name of the affiliate key which will be added to your affiliate link. This feature will help you to create a more unique key based on your business and Brand.  For example, you have a brand name  Adidas so you can embed ADI or something related to that in your affiliate link. Such as

4. Text above the Affiliate Link

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Enter your text which will be shown above the affiliate link. With this feature you can provide genetic information to your affiliates, For example, you are giving extra commission for a specific period. So you can inform them about your limited-time program with this feature.

5. Maximum number of commissions on orders

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Max number of orders till you want to allow the commission to the affiliate. Using this option admin can set the limit after which affiliate customers will not get the commission for a particular order. For eg admin has set the commission limit to 5, it means an affiliate customer will not get a commission for a specific product after the 5 orders are successfully placed using his link.

6. Commission Type

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This option allows you to set the commission type. Two Types of commissions are available here. You can choose between percentage and flat rate commissions. Commission types can be selected based on the business type.  The simplest of all structures is the flat rate commission structure. It is easy to comprehend, calculate, and utilise. With this structure, the employee will receive a set percentage commission when a product is sold. This commission is received regardless of the value of the order. Whether percentage-based commissions will depend on the product or service price. Both options are available, Choose the best one for you.

7. Commission Amount

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This option allows you to set a commission value that directly depends upon the commission type you have selected. For example If You have selected the commission type percentage and set the commission amount to 10, That means you are providing 10% price of your sold products to your affiliates. Suppose you have selected the commission type at a flat rate and set the commission amount to $5, In that case, your affiliate will receive $5 for every successful order, irrespective of the product price.

8. Select Roles

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This setting allows the site administrators to choose specific roles to provide them affiliate features. All the users with the above-selected roles will be converted into affiliate users. Leave it blank to allow affiliate programs for all users.

9. Select Page

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Select the page to redirect your customers on clicking the affiliate link. For example, you have set shop page here, then the users who are clicking the affiliate link will be redirected to the shop page first

Social Sharing:

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There are several ways to increase Affiliate Revenue,Social Sharing always comes at the top. The plugin provides a social sharing feature that enhances the engagement of affiliates and customers. By using this feature Affiliates can do a bulk sharing of their link between the social platform that will cover an extra range of audiences. Full capability is in the administrator’s hand which platforms he wants to allow for sharing the link. For doing so, he has to Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate > Social Sharing check the boxes, and save the settings.

Based upon the selected social platforms, It will be available for affiliate customers as well. They can access this feature via WooCommerce My Account Page All the users with the above roles will be converted into affiliate users. Leave it blank to allow affiliate program for all users.

Reporting(Tracking of Affiliate):

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Plugin provides a detailed report to site admins so that they can keep track of the commission to their affiliate customers and be able to pay their amount timely. Reporting section displays detailed information about all the affiliates. Admin can track every individual and he also has full control upon taking actions like updating commission, modifying affiliate, etc.

Admin Side Affiliate Tracking :

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Navigate to: WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate > Affiliate Reports Here you can see on the Affiliate Report page with following necessary information:
    1. Affiliate User’s  Name:  In this Column registered affiliate users name of your website will be listed. 
    2. User’s Email: User Email will be there in this column.
    3. Total Referred: The number of total referred customers by the affiliate will be listed in this column. This field counts only those customers who have purchased the product.
    4. Total Earning:  In this column, Total commission of the affiliate through successful referrals will be recorded.
    5. Current balance: Current balance, that site admin has to pay to the selected affiliate,  will be listed here in this column.
On clicking, this button admin can view the user-specific information in a detailed view. Following is the information that has to be shown on this page:

  • Order id of the referral:  This will be a clickable link through which the admin can navigate to the particular order and view the details.
  • Total Order Price:  In this column, the Product price will be shown for which order has been placed.
  • Activity: This is the most important column in which all the activities will be recorded. For example: When the Affiliate has earned the commission through referral When the admin updates the balance of the affiliate etc
  • Date of the activity: In this column, the date of the activity will be recorded. For example On which date the affiliate has earned commission, On which Date the admin has paid the commission to the affiliate
  • Total earnings of the affiliate: In this Column total earnings of the affiliate will be listed.
For eg: Affiliate earns $10 for an order A Again he earned $5 for a different order then his total earnings will be $15 
  • Remaining balance of the affiliate: This column shows the remaining balance of the affiliate that the admin has to pay. For eg:
  • Affiliates earnings is $15
  • and Admin payouts $5
  • Then his remaining balance will be $10

Reporting Dashboard

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In this new version of the plugin, We are including Reporting Dashboard, Which can be accessed by the site admin from where he could be able to view all the affiliate data of the website in a single place. You’ll get the following data in this dashboard;
  • Total Orders

This card shows the number of orders made by the customers through the affiliate link.
  • Total Customers

This card shows the number of user registered on the website using the affiliate link
  • Task Progress

This card shows the task progress which is based on the order completion.
  • Total Profit

This card shows the total earning amount of the site.
  • Top Products with Sales count

You can see the top three selling products of the site here with their sales count.
  • Latest Sales

This graph displays the latest sales of the month.
  • Report

This report provides a detailed overview to site admins so that they can keep track of the commission to their affiliate customers and be able to pay their amount timely.

Commission Payout :

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Commission payout means the payable amount of affiliates commission for their successful referrals that the admin has to pay. Plugin provides the feature to keep track of the commission payout. The actual payment of the commission is done by the site admin manually, outside the Affiliate program for WooCommerce plugin. This method will always be available irrespective of your payment gateways configuration.  To update the commission of a specific Affiliate customer, Admin has to follow the below steps:
  • Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard > Users > edit user
  • Update the balance under ‘Extra profile information’ meta box
  • Update the balance and click the Save Changes button
  • This Balance will also be displayed on the user listing
Every time when the admin updates the balance, This update Balance activity will also be recorded under a detailed report  section for a  particular user. Refer the below picture

Frontend Report Tracking by the Affiliates:

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Affiliate Users can also access their reports easily via the My Account page provided by Woocommerce.  This report will belong to logged-in users only. That means one user can’t access other users’ details.  To access the report logged in affiliate user has to navigate: My Account > Reports

How does the Plugin Work

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You can Find the details here.

How does the site owner can customise the affiliate link

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You can find the details here.

How can the site/store owner change the tracking param’s(parameter) name?

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Click here to know the details.


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Is this a WordPress Affiliate plugin? Yes! This plugin is designed to work with WordPress and WooCommerce
How affiliates may log in? Affiliates can Log in from WooCommerce My Account Page.
How to make users Affiliate? Site Administrators can make affiliates from a particular user role. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate > Affiliate Users Roles. Select the user role and save settings to make them as an affiliate. Now Users belonging to the selected roles will become the affiliate.
Can commission be of different types? Yes! Commission can be of 2 types :
  • Percentage Commission
  • Flat rate Commission

From Where Affiliates can access their link? Affiliates can access their link directly from My Account Page and share that using social sharing features.
How Affiliates will get the commission? Affiliates will not get the commission until the order(Purchase by their affiliate link) status is changed to completed by the site admin.
How Site admins can track the sales? Site Admins can track the sales by navigating to WooCommerce>Affiliate>Reports
What does this mean ‘max number of orders till you want to allow the commission to the affiliate? This option means that admin can set the limit after which affiliate customers will not get the commission for a particular order.
Do you provide the payment Feature? No, Payment Feature is not available for now. Admin has to pay the commission manually. But they obviously can update the balance by navigating to users’ profiles.
What is the payable amount? Payable amount is the commission balance actually that the admin has to pay to their affiliates. 
How can admin update the payable amount to their affiliates? Admin can update the payable amount by navigating to users> Edit user > Balance