Block Shop

Thank your for choosing Block Shop and WooCommerce.


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The fastest way to install Block Shop is through the WordPress administration dashboard.

  1. Go to: Appearance > Themes > Add New / Upload Theme
  2. Upload the file your’ve downloaded from
  3. Activate as you would any other WordPress theme then proceed with the Setup and Configuration.
To install Block Shop manually:
  1. Download the latest version of Block Shop from
  2. Upload the extracted folder to the /wp-content/themes/ dir on your server via FTP.
  3. Activate Block Shop from the Appearance > Themes screen in your dashboard.
More info at: Using Themes.

Setup And Configuration

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Install the Plugins

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Upon theme activation you will be prompted to install the plugins required by the theme.
  • WooCommerce (required) — Since Block Shop is a WooCommerce based theme, having the plugin activate is a must.
  • One Click Demo Import (recommended) — Help you import dummy content and replicate the live demo. The plugin can be deactivated and deleted after the demo content is imported.
Stay worry free if you won’t see this notification, it only means the plugins are already installed and activated.
  1. Click Begin Installing Plugins
  2. Select the two plugins, choose the Install Option and click Apply.
  3. Return to dashboard and you’re ready to proceed with the Demo Content Import. Since WooCommerce just got activated, you will be prompted to go through the WooCommerce Setup Wizard.

Demo Content Import

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After installing the plugins (‘WooCommerce‘ and ‘One Click Demo Import‘) the theme is ready to begin importing the demo content. Your WordPress administration dashboard will now display a notification allowing you to start the process.
  1. Click Begin Importing
  2. Click Import Demo Data. The automatic process of importing the demo content will now start. The theme comes with the necessary content, so, there’s no need to find, upload, download any other files, just sit back and relax, it usually takes a minute or two.
  3. That’s it, all done! The ‘One Click Demo Import’ plugin can be deactivated now. It has done its job and it’s no longer needed. You should be able to start working on your site.


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All theme’s options can be found in Appearance > Customize organized into sections.


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Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Header to:
  • Enable / Disable the Search icon;
  • Enable / Disable the My Account icon;
  • Enable / Disable the Cart icon;


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Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Footer to:
  • Edit the botton (C) text;
  • Enable / Disable the “Back to Top” feature;

Fonts and Colors

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Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Fonts and Colors to:
  • Adjust font sizes;
  • Set a different text color;
  • Set a different font color;

The Shop

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Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Shop to:
  • Turn the Product Category links at the top of the page ON and OFF;
  • Set pagination style: Classic, Load More Button or Infinite;
  • Enable a border for product images;
  • Choose to display a 2nd product image when hovering a thumb;

Product Page

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Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Product Page to:
  • Enable / Disable the ‘Categories Navigation’;
  • Change the number of related products;

The Blog

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Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Blog to:
  • Turn the post categories navigation at the top of the page ON / OFF;
  • Highlight the fist 5 posts;
  • Enable / Disable the Widget area;
  • Set pagination style: Classic, Load More Button or Infinite;
  • Turn the Featured Image ON / OFF;
  • Set the size of the featured images to be displayed;

Social Media

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The Social Media section will allow you to add link to your social media profile that will be displayed as icons at the bottom-right part of the screen, at all times, on all pages.

Creating Pages

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The pages in the theme demo are available as reusable blocks. To start a new page based on a demo template, open up the Reusable Blocks section and pick one of the blocks available. Convert it to Regular Block and you’re ready to start editing.


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Block Shop has 3 menu locations:
  1. Main Navigation
  2. Vertical Navigation
  3. Footer Menu

Widget Areas

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Block Shop comes with two widget areas, one for the Shop page and one for the Blog. Navigate to Appearance > Widgets to populate these sections with widgets.
Shop Widget Area
Blog Widget Area