New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Facebook Tab

Note: This product has been retired and documentation is no longer being updated. It has been replaced with Facebook for WooCommerce.

Facebook Tab for WooCommerce creates a tab on the left side of your Facebook page where customers can view products and add them to their cart. They are then taken to your WooCommerce store to complete the order.


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SSL Security must be enabled. Speak with your hosting provider to set up SSL on your WordPress site. To check if you have SSL, change “http://” to “https://” in your address bar and see if WordPress loads without errors.

  • Latest version of WordPress
  • Latest version of WooCommerce
  • Facebook account and a Facebook page
  • Products you wish to sell via Facebook 🙂

For Facebook Tab to work in the latest version of Internet Explorer, your website needs to send a valid P3P header. If your website doesn’t already send a P3P header, please install this free plugin:


Setup and Configuration

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You can find these instructions within the extension itself by navigating to WooCommerce > Facebook.

  1. Sign up for a Facebook account if you don’t already have one
  2. Create a Facebook page for your business if you don’t already have one ( )
  3. Visit the Facebook Developer App ( ). If you haven’t created an application before you will be prompted to add the Developer Application (ie: Press Allow)
  4. Click the “Add a New App” button
  5. Choose the “Website” option
  6. Enter your website name (eg: Bobs Online Gift Shop) and click “Create New Facebook App ID”
  7. Choose a Category and click “Create App ID”
  8. Click “Skip Quick Start” (top right)
  9. Choose the “Settings” tab on the left
  10. Click “Add Platform” and choose the “Page Tab” option
  11. In the “App Domains” box enter your domain name (eg:
  12. In the “Secure Page Tab URL:” box enter this special URL:
  13. In the “Page Tab Name:” box enter a name like “Our Shop”
  14. In the “Page Tab Edit URL:” box enter this special URL:
  15. Click the “Save Changes” button.
  16. (optional) Go to the “App Details” tab and upload a logo to match your website/business logo. This logo will be displayed on the Facebook tab.
  17. Go back to the “Dashboard” tab and copy the “App ID” and “App Secret” into the WooCommerce > Facebook settings in WordPress
  18. Once you have entered these details go to WooCommerce > Facebook and click the link to activate the Page Tab.

Common Errors

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If you get this error:

API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.

please try ticking the “Website” option in your Facebook App settings and enter your domain name (eg: and then try adding your page again.