
Thank you for choosing Overline and WooCommerce to power your E-Commerce store.


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The fastest way to install Overline is through the WordPress administration dashboard.

  1. Go to: Appearance > Themes > Add New / Upload Theme
  2. Upload the overline.zip file you have downloaded from WooCommerce.com
  3. Activate as you would any other WordPress theme then proceed with the Setup and Configuration.

To install Overline manually:

  1. Download the latest version of Overline from WooCommerce.com
  2. Upload the extracted folder to the /wp-content/themes/ dir on your server via FTP.
  3. Activate Overline from the Appearance > Themes screen in your dashboard.

More info at Using Themes.

Setup And Configuration

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Before proceeding with the install process, please make sure that the WooCommerce is installed.

After activating your theme, please navigate to Appearance > Overline:

Afterward, please click on the Demo Content Import tab. Clicking on the “Import Options” will bring the import panel.


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Your customization settings are inside Appearance > Customize > Overline.

Logo & Favicon

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You can change your logo from Appearance > Customize > Site Identity


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There are 2 menu areas on Overline. You can assign your menus from Appearance > Menus.

  1. Primary Menu: Centered on desktop screens and available inside Mobile Menu.
  2. Secondary menu: Shown only inside Mobile Menu.

Menu Link Animation

If you have noticed, we have a very cute animation to attract your visitors:

Cute little animation to spice up your website.

This is quite easy to set-up. Please navigate to Appearance > Menus > Screen Options to enable CSS Classes:

Afterwards, add thb-animated-menu-item class to your menu item:

Shop Filters & Sidebar

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The shop sidebar uses widgets assigned to the Shop Sidebar inside Appearance > Widgets.


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Your footer is divided into columns. The number of columns can be adjusted from Appearance > Customize > Overline > Footer:

Each column gets its content from the same Footer Sidebars inside Appearance > Widgets:


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Sub-Footer can be toggled and it’s content modified from Appearance  > Customize > Overline > Sub-Footer:

Video Products

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You can easily add Videos to your products on Overline. They will look like this and display YouTube and Vimeo videos inside a lightbox.

To accomplish this, please go to Edit Product Screen and fill out the Video URL inside Product Data > Overline:

Social Sharing in Blog Posts and Products

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Social sharing in Overline uses the JetPack plugin’s sharing features, which can be configured from the below screen:

Thanks for using Premium WordPress Themes by Fuel Themes.