Password Protected Categories & Store

Ultimate solution to password protect products, pages, product categories & tags, forces customers to enter a valid password in order to view the single page template for the password protected categories & store catalog. The customers can not add to cart a password protected product until the product is logged in with  a valid password.


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After downloading the plugin from WooCommerce follow the below instructions to install & activate the plugin.

  • Login to your WordPress website dashboard.
  • Go to the “Plugins” menu.
  • Click on “Add new” & then “Upload plugin” button.
  • Upload plugins Zip file downloaded from WooCommerce “”
  • Install and Activate the plugin.
  • After installing the plugin you will find a new menu “Password Protected” in admin menus.

Setup and Configuration

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How to setup password protected categories & store

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After installing & activating the plugin please find the “Password Protected” menu in the admin dashboard to enable the password protection & personalize the password login form.

Enable Password Protected Store

Enable this option for plugin to work on the frontend, if this option is not enabled it will not work on the frontend.

Expiry Days For Password

Enter the number of the days for cookies to remember the password login.

Password Protected For Specific Countries

Choose specific countries if you want to password protected for only users from selected specific countries.

Password Protected Complete Store

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Find the complete store protect settings under the “Password Protected” admin menu.

Password Protect Whole Website

Enable this option if you want to password protect complete website.

Whole Website Password

Add single password or multiple passwords to password protect the complete website. The users must enter a valid password to login with.

Personalize The Password Login Form Settings

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Find the password login form settings under the “Password Protected” admin menu.

Description Above Password Login Form

Add the content above the password login field, heading, description or logo can be added, leave empty by default.

Description Below Password Login Form

Add the content below the password login field.

Password Field Label

Enter the password field label of your own.

Password Field Placeholder

Add the password field placeholder if required.

Password Login Button Text

Modify the password login button text. By default, it shows as “Log In”.

Password Login Form Type

You can select the form type here, it supports two types of forms, i.e. WordPress’ default password login forms & Custom Form.

Background Type

This works for custom form type only, allows to choose the background type either color or image in the background.

Page Background Color

Set the page background color for the custom form, it works if background type is color.

Form Background Color

Set the form popup background color, it works only for custom form type.

Form Text Color

Set the form text color, field label color, login button text color or description color.

Login Button Background Color

Set the password login button background color.

Form Background Image

Upload the password login page background image it works if the background type is image.

Form Background Opacity

Set the form popup background opacity, the value must be between 0 to 1. It works for custom form type.

Password Protect Product Categories or Product Tags

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Password protect the product categories or product tags terms by enabling the password protection & adding passwords. The products with protected categories & tags inherit the associated terms protection if the products’ password protection is not enabled. Create new product category by enabling the password protection with password of your choice. The term’s single page & linked products’ single page will require the valid password entered in the backend settings to view. Edit product categories or product tags settings.

Password Protect Pages

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Enable the password protection for the pages & add the passwords in each page edit screen.

Password Protect Products

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Enable the password protection for the product & add single or multiple password of your choice. The products with enabled password protection of its own will not inherit the password protection privacy of the linked categories or tags. if the product has not enabled the password protection, it will inherit the associated categories & tags password protection privacy.