Request Your Price

With the Request Your Price For WooCommerce extension the customers can send offers for specific products. The offers include unit price for a minimum quantity. The admin can read the offer and negotiate the customer for a good offer. When mutually agreed the admin can approve the offer & customer can buy the requested product at a requested price for a quantity.


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After downloading the plugin from WooCommerce follow the below instructions to install & activate the plugin.

  • Login to your WordPress website dashboard.
  • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  • Click the Upload Plugin button at the top of the screen.
  • Upload the file you’ve downloaded from dashboard.
  • Install and Activate the plugin.

Setup and Configuration

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How to set up Request Your Price

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After installing & activating the Request Your Price extension, you can find Request Your Price in the admin menu.

Request Your Price General Settings

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Hide For Guest Users: Enable this option to hide the request price button for guest users.

Request Your Price Control Settings

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The control settings are used to enable the price price button for the specific products on the catalog. Include/Exclude Products: Store owners can choose the products option to include or exclude products for the site sale. Include/Exclude Product Categories: Select products option to include or exclude product categories for the site sale. Include/Exclude Product Tags: Admin can Choose product tags to exclude product tags for site sale.

Request Your Price Notification Settings

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Customer Notification Settings

Enable Customer Notification: Enable messages notifications for the customers via mail. Notification Subject: Enter the mail notification subject line. Notification Heading: Enter the mail notification heading text.

Admin Notification Settings

Enable Admin Notification: Enable messages notifications for the admin via mail. Notification Subject: Enter the mail notification subject line. Notification Heading: Enter the mail notification heading text. Notification Emails: Enter the email addresses (,) separated if multiple to receive the customers notifications.

Request Your Price – Labels Settings

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Change the labels text used on the frontend.

How Customers Can Send Price Request

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The customers can view the request your price button on the shop & single product page. The customers can send price request with popup enabled by admin for specific products.

Request Your Price – Manage Customer Requests

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The requests sent by the customers can be viewed in the dashboard by the admin. The admin can reply back message to the customer about the offer, approve or reject a request. As well as, admin can change the request price & quantity any time.

Request Your Price – Negotiate Requests

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The customers can view the request sent for the products. The customers can send and receive messages against each price request with admin for request approval. If the admin approve a request the customers can view the status of the request & can be able to checkout the request product with the approved price for a quantity.